This woman I met online about a year ago and have been in a fwb relationship since day 1 with wants me to get her pregnant and says I don't have to be responsible or be a part of the kids life if I don't want to, and I really want to do it because my fetish is getting women pregnant. How would I guarantee me not getting slapped with child support in the future just in case she turns out to be a bitch? Legal agreements? She says she doesn't want to do it artificially or have to pay for it when she can just use me. Offered unlimited pregnant sex and a continuing our fwb relationship along with no responsibilities. So basically all things as normal. I think she's had her two other kids this way. And one of their dads is a chill dude cool with her and shit. Dunno about the other. She lives with her parents but has a stable career the pays well.
Leo Rivera
Robert Fisher
Isaiah Young
Make her sign a contract
Ryder Campbell
Its that easy ?
Jackson Perry
OP lets be real here.
Your instinct is telling you that somethings up so you posted it on Sup Forums
I feel that it's right. After the honeymoon phase of sexing that pregnant girl is done and the baby is out, she will start with the small stuff: couple bucks for pampers, food, etc. If you say no to those things she'll instantly throw it back in your face. It will increase until child support court hearings will be thrown around, then the actual thing.
I feel like its def a trap.
Joshua Jackson
who's this goddess?
Carson Perez
It's a trap bro
Adrian Nelson
>my fetish is getting women pregnant That's just the species's basic reproduction instinct you fucking retard
Also that whole deal smells fishy as fuck.
Benjamin Carter
You're probably right user But damn I want to But it's not smart
Daniel Roberts
Nigga you dumb.
Ryder Fisher
Well and I like banging pregnant chick's but anyway yeah
Josiah Jones
Shieeet Just a bit, can't blame a horny fucker. She's hot
Adam Myers
Make her sign a contract stating that she intends to get pregnant using you as a sperm donor, and that after she is pregnant you will take no responsibility for the child's upbringing and you will remain anonymous to the child until it's 18th birthday at which point he/she can have the knowledge that you are his/her biological father.
Get her to also record a video of her stating that she is of sound mind and is consciously making the decision to not involve you in the child's life.
Kevin Peterson
That's why we are here user.
What you can do is get a vasectomy, document the date it was done, schedule regular appointments to ensure that its kept good and agree to above.
She'll eventually get sick of trying with you and find someone else. She'll get pregnant from him and try what I said in From there you can expose the shit out of her via court, and get what you wanted.
Josiah Hall
She's replaceable, like all cunts.
The 18 years of whore welfare stolen from you however, is gone forever. Never trust a cunt.
Aaron Green
Why do I even have to write this? Your contract is meaningless. When she goes on welfare the state will come after you and they won't give a shit about a contract.
I wouldn't consider it.
Adam Bennett
Sorry kiddo, this won't do a bit of good at all aside from give the judge a chuckle as he rubber stamps the support orders.
Carter Rodriguez
Lives with parents.
Has kids.
Wants another one.
Yeah she sounds like a real winner go ahead and reproduce with someone like that.
Ugly people problems make me sick.
Jack Perry
why would that not work? explain
Eli Wilson
Those are three different girls.
Logan Bailey
The solution is easy. First, forget about knocking her up sex is good enough. Second, get yourself snipped but don't tell her. Now fuck her without fear of getting her pregnant but since it won't be "working" she'll let you keep "trying" over and over and over again.
Connor Jackson
>? Your contract is meaningless. When she goes on welfare the state will come after you and they won't give a shit about a contract. >I wouldn't consider it.
Sup Forumsro speaks truth here.
There is no way you can win this game. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that she's totally above board with her plan. So the baby is born, and she dies in a car accident. Guess who's paying?
Let's suppose she's genuine now, but changes her mind later. Guess who's paying.
Let's suppose the economy collapses and she ends up on welfare. Guess who's paying.
DO NOT under any circumstances have a child with anyone unless you are prepared to take responsibility for that child. Or GTFO of the country and live in the jungle somewhere.
This is not moral faggotry. This is pretty much what you have to be prepared to do. Or the law will make you.
Christian Parker
You can be a sperm donor legally. Just have a lawyer draw up a contract and have the contact witnessed and noterized. This isn't hard faggots. You can sign away your rights and responsibilities to your sperm perfectly legally. This is what lawyers are for.
Joshua Cook
This is not how sperm donation works. The donor is never liable so long as there is a binding contact. This is what lawyers are for.
Lucas Moore
Nope. I recall a case where a lesbian couple divorced and the custodial dyke went after the donor for support.
The law is set up "In the best interests of the child". No parent can contract away the childs rights.
Think about it. Can you sign a contract that binds me without my consent? No. That's a base principle in law.
Now that being said, the situation is evolving, and donation is becoming more common. The law will change, but as it sits, if it's your jizz, you can, under most jurisdictions, be forced to pay.
Don't believe me? Talk to a lawyer.
Jonathan Wood
definitely not
Anthony Parker
Get ready to pay child support mofo.
Jacob Perry
She's probably literally doing it to milk you of cash, the one guy she has as a friend probably did it willingly while the other one she's forcing money out of. enjoy paying child support because i know youre gonna do it anyway dumb fuck