Should i buy Overwatch?

Should i buy Overwatch?

Dubs decide!


>Yes, and buy me a copy. Email me [email protected]

nigga its summer. go outside. not trying to hate but seriously, find some time for yourself, go outside with your friends if you have any, if not, fucking do exercise or something.

its summer.

I would certainly request that you buy it, fucking faggot.

and what are u doing posting here?

> summerfag

trying to help op.
one man at the time, right?

And what are you doing, working?

do it

Save your money! It's boring after 2 weeks.

nah, i've been here for almost two years, including all other times of the year


No you will pollute the game. Go be a fag elsewhere.


Suddenly the southern hemisphere doesn't exist anymore.

damn dubs have spoken

>one faggot*

Don't buy overpriced Blizzard garbage games. The only way to make those faggots try hard again is to stop giving them money.

Dubs has decided

>boring after two weeks
Here is a guy who mained a character
But dubs decide

Two dubs say no

i suppose you mean outside. well mean fuck, there's always something to do outside. i do not have any fucking friends because i live in the middle of fucking nowhere, so i usually do sports, ride a bike to the bigger city or something.
silly question imo

Double for no, saves my money then. xD

you get the idea tho.

The fuck is wrong with maining a character

I main mei and never get tired of shit stirring and pissing people off just by being mei.

No i mean what are you doing telling op to go outside, if you arent yourself?

Im just saying maining a character would make you think it was boring after 2 weeks

i actually just got back home from my garage.
i'm not a hypocrite mate

Nope, overwatch is just a plain bad game that was pushed around the hype.

Dude the harsh truth is, I played games my whole life I got to diamon 1-3 in season 1-4 in LoL (basically it was like 2200 rating ish back then) and I've mastered playing quake arena and many other fps games, I hit global elite, I even played the shitty Hi-rez game Paladins and was top 5 there for a brief moment getting shitting on players. If you want a good competitive fps Overwatch is not for you, this game will die after a year or so, I'm fairly sure.

Kaplan always states things are new etc, but some of the maps and the modes in this game are such a joke, the only thing thats actually balanced is watchpoint jibralter, overall from a comp point of view this game is absoloute trash even with the ranked play here out from 3 days ago.

However if you dont care about that shit about balance in maps, heroes, occasional cancer population then by all means go ahead and have fun with the game but for 40$ there are better investments out there

Just my 2 cents

A garage isnt outside

Jamie should!

it has like 3 maps, and gets super boring after level 30 imo. skip it

competitive is online now. Plus they are adding more maps and characters soon in patches

The worst part is that it'd be really easy to balance and make the game better, but blizzard is literally autistic when it comes to their competitive games and will take literal months between updates, and won't give us any idea what they're doing before hand and then never respond to anything the community says until it's so old people have forgotten they were talking about it.

long story but my garage somewhat is outside. even so, its not your fucking home either.

and to elaborate on this people hate call of duty because there are a lot of things that close the gap between good players vs bad players

yet overwatch does the same thing in thier game also there are autoaiming turrets, the hitboxes are amplified some of the ultimates are 1 hit ko and deal massive damage

OW is basically call of duty on CRACK

Actually it's the opposite this time around..they keep nerfin the shit out of the characters.

it gets boring really quick
even if they add more content, winning is more about team composition and which characters you run into
getting kills is sometimes either a massive pain in the ass or just really not satisfying

Overwatch is more strategy and team based then COD


Dubs have spoken its over! Op here :D

no, except you have a couple of friends who are playing regular already

They tried really hard to make everybody OP (DotA philosophy) but the problem is since there's no progression per-game and barely any hard counters (and the ones there are are stupid) you can't do Anything about the OP bullshit once it's snowballing. Plus, each hero only does one thing. If you're tracker, you zipzop around, ttry hold objectives when your retarded team dies, and try to pick people off and disrupt them from behind. You don't play her any other way, it boils down to the same exact formula every game with very little variation if any. The only differences would be if there was actual nuance to the maps but nope, blizzards map design is some of the worst in years.

And I actually like this game now that competitive is out...

Trips over rides dubs, get overwatch scrub

This is just coming from my point of view and won't mean shit unless you know other people with the game.. It's a great game if you are playing with people you already know, have a mic, and a basic understanding of how team comp works in the game..

If you have no one to play with quick play gets old as shit going up against teams of Torbjorn's and bastions just to grind out another level for a loot box.. Not to mention the majority of people you get teamed up with have no actual idea how the game is meant to work, and they all run around the maps going at it solo playing like it's COD..

It takes forever to level up past a certain point I think 25..

But on the other hand competitive should take care of a lot of these issues.

dude the snowballing mechanic in high elo isnt that high, if you win more trades you will have your ultimate up more often, ie you hit more hanzo shots= more ultis the map balance really pisses me off to no extent its just plain retarded

That's because blizzard didn't know what they're fucking doing. They literally can't be trusted with competitive games, they will run them into the ground. Just look at HotS, Starcraft, even hearthstone sort of (although I agree that that game was always supposed to be silly fun).

I agree to a extent. some of the nerf's are justified.. But other's like widowmaker are character breaking.

I mean, they just plain needed her instead of rebalancing, which is why I'm saying blizzard is retarded. The widowmaker nerf is actually not that big of a deal, she's just more situational now and you need to be actually good at her. And mcrees only viable use now is really to pick off fleas from his Rinehart's back.

Blizzard keeps narrowing the scope of heroes instead of continuing to rebalance them to stick wig their original game phiosophy

I just bought it but haven't played it yet so idk.

Well, thats true

In the recent patches they also removed the avoid player feature, blizzard really has thier heads up thier asses

IMO it was the best feature any multiplayer game can have hands down

Yeah except it didnt just punish trolls and cheats, but good players

Taking away her quick scope was retarded.. it's too easy for tracers and Gengis to sneak up on you now.

Hence the mine

also matchmaking is bs
u get matched with people on all level ranges

To be honest I was never a good Widowmaker player to begin with. I only picked her when there was a turret picking everyone off over and over again., and the team couldn't figure out to just snipe it..

Tracer is my main I can play her equally as good on Attack and defense getting 20+ elimination streaks in almost every round.

thats not true.. even though you could be a lets say level 20 and you are fighting a level 60.. overwatch matches you based on skill level. just because you are level 100 for example it don't make you a good player.. everyone levels up just by playing.

That doesn't matter as much as I thought it would. People reach their peak skill long before they get a high level. I've seen people in the 80 - 90 range getting destroyed because they suck. They've just played a lot and not gotten better.

Yeah pretty much this dude, your mechanical skill plays a big part into it, if you cant aim for shit chances are you are gonna have to catch up with the people that are gifted towards aim that play fps games or vice versa for moba players levels are just time played I've seen people with 2 stars level 70+ that are complete dogshit at the game or play mercy for 300 hours straight

You also have to consider people in parties. They can throw off the games balance if, say, someone whos been playing a month starts playing with his friend who just got the game

I do that with junkrat



Sure, but wait for the price to drop. it's around $80 where i am, and it's pretty steep for a pvp only game