Hez Sup Forumsros I need ur help

Hez Sup Forumsros I need ur help...
Had Sex with a girl and now my dick looks like this... Have I gotten AIDS?
No seriously any Medfags here?

Kinda looks like a blood blister on the end of your dick user

Probly it just got damaged by hitting too hard but go seaa a doctor

Im more concerned about why your glans is on sideways user

Didn't look like an STD... she bite that shit?

circumcised dicks look so fucking gross. How do you enjoy sex?

Twisted my dick for the pic

Was definitely better before circumstance

Sorry dude that is herpes. Now fucked for life

2016 and not using a condom.

>Women are the main cause of the spread of social disease.

>inb4 Men spread it too. Men can't hide when their dicks are rotten.

You fucked a chicken didn't you?

>inb4 OP says he doesn't have enough money to go see a doctor

Sorry that your dick will rot and fall off. Good that you're in proud, free USA and not in some disgusting socialist country where poor people get free medical treatment

>To poor to save it´s own dick

Enjoy being a faggot without a pecker.


Tfw cut fags last longer

Are you timing how fast the AID is spreading?


Yeah, Herpes.
Welcome to the club, faggot.

Boy did he shut your mouth and very good. If i were you, i'd kill myself because of the embarassement

Rollo won't save from herpes.



Top kek

>not enough time
>wraps watch around his diick
you are a legend

You dick was mutilated becuase it was tradition of goat herders thousands of years ago to cut up little boy's foreskin and little girl's labia.

Congrats dipshit, your parents were retarded.


Does it hurt?

Only need to worry about that if you prematurely ejaculate

>not controlling your dick

As people pointed out, it´s either;

Congratulations, you are a dumbfuck!

Welcome to the herp club user. You may get lucky and that'll be your only outbreak. Don't try anything that treats it over the counter, that shit don't work. Honestly best bet is go get a recurring prescription from a doctor, costs about 15 a month, but you won't get anything once you start taking the prescribed stuff.

>i have no self discipline
>better mutilate myself

If it's painful it could also be haemophilius ducreyi

Underrated post

>Implying that´s a choice in ´Murrica aka Dumbfuckistan.

Medfag here. If it hurts, it is probably herpes. If it doesn't, it may be syphilis.

Syphilis is curable with an injection. Herpes is treatable with pills.

Don't freak out, go see a doctor and get that shit looked at. And wrap your shit up, OP. Raw dog feels great but I bet that blister doesn't.

>current year


The crown on your Rolex is aggravating your glans.

Try shifting your watch to a more comfortable position or better still, try wearing it on your wrist until you heal.

Bruh, you got herpies. Did she suck ya with a cold sore on her lips?
This is why I only fug fat girls. Can go raw and don't gotta worrie.
>if her weight starts with a two, no disease for you.


Could also be haemophilius ducreyi if it's painful. Plus it doesn't look like herpes, no characteristic umbilicated appearance


You're a fucking idiot. Fat chicks are the ones who will fuck all the nasty guys, street hoodlums, and lowlives because they can't get no dick from any normal self respecting guys.

Great logic m8, enjoy your AIDs.

A++ would kek again

Cool words faggot

That's Dr. Faggot to you bitch. And no I'm not kidding.

>Too much lurking as a newfag

This asshole it´s right, hope you enjoy being the reason everything on internet sucks.

Hope it was worth it dumbass.

That sinking feeling in your stomach as you stare at your diseased penis won't go away. Enjoy your herpes!

Next life wear a condom. They're pretty cheap and prevent shit like this.

Your dumb ass let some whore give you herpes. Young anons look at this retard and learn something.

No, not at all

Was because of medical reasons four years ago faggot

So just a blister?

Both correct. The bruised look isn't common for Herpes or Syphilis.

Treatment is simple and straightforward, TC. Nothing to fear. They will still test you for HIV and Hepatitis, most likely, but solely on the fact that you were exposed to a high risk contact.

Good luck, Sup Forumsro, 99% chance you'll be just fine.

No, a different, rarer STD. Still treatable and curable.

How often do you play dick twister user

I fixed mine with this simple trick

>I've never tried it without a condom, user. Just put it in. Don't you trust me?

It's called a chancre, and it means you have syphilis, don't ignore it, even though it will go away on its own. Just because it's gone doesn't mean the syphilis is. Go to a doctor and get treated.

Alt f4

Hi user, I'm a generalist doctor and you have nothing, you can continue with your life without worry about anything, you are perfect healthy.

It's just a prank bro

dubs confirmed truth

Where you dry humping her? Looks like an abrasion . How long ago did you fuck her

Probably a week ago

yeah because AIDS appears instantly. Not 4-6 months later

You might have syphillis. Get it checked before it goes full medieval on you!

go do your local cockdoctor and show them your dick

story ?? was it in some Sup Forums rollin thread ?


you're welcome for the free dx

Listen to me. You need to fuck another girl with AIDS to nullify your existing AIDS. Hurry you don't have much time.

i've seen this dozens of times and i just now noticed his left finger is missing

It is a choice
>Land of free
Kys user you're literally retarded

Umbilication is more typical of Molluscum and this def. does not look like Molluscum.

Herpes also doesn't always look like herpes but I agree that this REALLY doesn't look like herpes.

Genital Herpes. GG Bro. Welcome to the club.

Herpes 4 life niggy

Wait do you really think circumcision is required by law? How dumb are you?

I'd just get tested. if it was an abrasion it should have healed.

It's syphilis.

The sore will fade in 3-6 weeks, and without treatment it will continue to spread even after the sore fades and eventually you'll end up like this.

Fuck, me too bro.

>1% it'll rip your dick off

Can only recommend. Fixed my fap addiction. Now I won't have to fap never again

My Nurse gf says : it looks like a friction burn. How long have you had it? Is it itchy? Is there more than one blister? Any discharge ? Any other pain? If no to the above, just a friction burn.

The finger was my practice run

What possess someone to do that? To just wake up and decide today is the day to cut off a part of my dick

How fucked do you have to be

He did the same with his finger.

Kinda looks like the herps. Wrap it up next time around.

i cant beleive this is a thing people actually do.

then again retards exist so whatever.

This is a classic case of the Fournier's Gangrene. Google image search and compare pictures. Seek immediate help. Please. I will pray for you and light a candle for you.

Love nurses. Can we get noodz?

damn saw this the last time like 10 years ago

its called sadism. be hopeful/glad he doesnt do it to someone else.

he is mentally challenged. self mutilation is not a natural thing among ANY animal/mamal except humans with mental illnesses such as him.

rest in pepperonis fampai


Bitch please. Every fuck I engage in is a race and I'm always going to cum first.


A+++ kek. Fast delivery with good grammar. Will also kek again.

My gf is a register nurse. Love pulling her scrubs down and bending her over the table. Whisper in her ear that the doctor is IN.

i lost, fukn lost

Wlecome to the world of AIDs.

KeKed all over the place.

i was thinking the same.

Top fucking kek