Pls respond

Can people from all sports tell me WHY this man is the goat? i keep getting told that this man is the goat, blah blah, he's better than jordan or kobe...i want ppl from nfll, nhl, mlb, mma, i need your input because ppl from /nba/ are retarded. plus i just need a conversation, im having surgery soon and i just need to talk to someone right now, it pretty serious, and this board has been my only friend for couple months now....

so what makes lebrun james soo good?

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Gonna have to work harder for those (You)'s.

what are you talking about friend?

>better than Jordan

Fuck no

>better than Kobe

Fuck yes

why not though? i mean he did the impossible right? can you please write in detail pls, as many replies as you can, im very interested.



Notice how easily you just gave up a (You)? You're like a two dollar whore waiting by the dumpster behind McDonald's.

pure stats

so like this is just one game right?

idk what you're talking about canadian bro, im trying to talk about basketball

well for 1 hes the greatest american athlete ever seen. this is a man whos 6'8 270 pounds who has a 4.4 40 time and a 42 vert and has never been injured in his career even though hes logged over 28k minutes

he also plays very unselfishly and looks to get his teammates involved and has incredible bball iq and vison and passing unlike ball hogs like kobe. he can turn any scrub into an all star and put entire teams on his back.

people also say hes not clutch but thats not true. people think being clutch means hitting last second game winners but lebron rarely lets it get to that point because he plays so dominant all game and puts the game away before it gets to that point most of the time. his avg in elimination games is 33/8/7 which is unreal. i mean look at these stats

2015 Finals, G6: 32-18-9 (39.4% FG)
2014 Finals, G5: 31-10-5 (47.6% FG)
2013 Finals, G7: 37-12-4 (52.2% FG)
2013 Finals, G6: 32-11-10 (42.3% FG)
2013 ECF, G7: 32-8-4 (47.1% FG)
2012 ECF, G7: 31-12-2 (42.9% FG)
2012 ECF, G6: 45-15-5 (73.1% FG)
2011 Finals, G6: 21-4-6 (60% FG)
2010 ECSF, G6: 27-19-10 (38.1% FG)
2009 ECF, G6: 25-7-7 (40% FG)
2009 ECF, G5: 37-14-12 (45.8% FG)
2008 ECSF, G7: 45-5-6 (48.3% FG)
2008 ECSF, G6: 37-12-6 (39.1% FG)
2007 Finals, G4: 24-6-10 (33.3% FG)
2006 ECSF, G7: 27-8-2 (45.8% FG)

also just watch his highlights. you cant not be impressed. hes the greatest talent nba has ever seen imo

sample size much, my bitch

>so like this is just one game right?

Nah, throughout their career famalam.

Also add one more ship for Lebron at 31.

>2015 Finals, G6: 32-18-9 (39.4% FG)
>2014 Finals, G5: 31-10-5 (47.6% FG)
>2013 Finals, G7: 37-12-4 (52.2% FG)
>2013 Finals, G6: 32-11-10 (42.3% FG)
>2013 ECF, G7: 32-8-4 (47.1% FG)
>2012 ECF, G7: 31-12-2 (42.9% FG)
>2012 ECF, G6: 45-15-5 (73.1% FG)
>2011 Finals, G6: 21-4-6 (60% FG)
>2010 ECSF, G6: 27-19-10 (38.1% FG)
>2009 ECF, G6: 25-7-7 (40% FG)
>2009 ECF, G5: 37-14-12 (45.8% FG)
>2008 ECSF, G7: 45-5-6 (48.3% FG)
>2008 ECSF, G6: 37-12-6 (39.1% FG)
>2007 Finals, G4: 24-6-10 (33.3% FG)
>2006 ECSF, G7: 27-8-2 (45.8% FG)

but he's known to stat pad bro, i dont trust stats that much. kobe rarely stat padded.

>kobe rarely stat padded

are you kidding me? kobe was all about numbers. he would force his teammates to give him the ball at the end so he could shoot free throws to add to his number of points and would shoot 30 shots a game at the detriment of team to get his numbers. he would also just have streaks of game where he would only look to get assists to prove to reporters he wasn't a ball hog

kobe was so much worse of a stat padder than lebron is/was

>are you kidding me?

>he would force his teammates to give him the ball at the end so he could shoot free throws to add to his number of points and would shoot 30 shots a game at the detriment of team to get his numbers
kobe had to do this because his team couldnt get a bucket to save their lives. trust me man, he was the only option on offense against good teams, im tlaking bout post pau era.

>he would also just have streaks of game where he would only look to get assists to prove to reporters he wasn't a ball hog
this is just pure hate now

Jordan is the best, and anyone who says otherwise was born in the 90s and wasn't old enough to see him.


something funny?

Kobe is the biggest volume shooter in the history of volume shooting.

you're delusional

kobe is the all-time stat padder

>post Pau era

Kobe play like what, 10 games in the post Pau era?

he had to be, it was not his choice, he had to carry a lot of those lakers teams.

never. see my comment above

he willed that dwight howard lakers team to the playoffs. you cant tell me he stat padded, he had to do what he did.

>Dwight Howard year

If anything that was the refs' work. The last two weeks or so were pure refball trying to get the Lakers to the playoffs.

he is the all-time leader in missed FGs (ultimate stat padder)

he was not the only option on offense yet he chose to chuck up difficult shots. LeBron had worse teammates on offense for his first 8 years in the league but no one would accuse him of jacking up shots to stat pad like Kobe did because he didn't.

he did not will that Dwight team to the playoffs. the refs did. legit, go back and look at the reffing for the Jazz's last game and the Lakers' last game. Regardless, congrats Kobe, you earned the right to get a supposed superteam swept in the first round.

list needs updating

2016 finals, g5: 41-16-7-3-3 (53% fg)
2016 finals g6: 41-8-11-4-3 (59% fg)
2016 finals g7: 27-11-11-2-3 (37% fg)

god damn them stats is crazy

He's not.
According to sports casters and analysts, such as CHARLES BARKLEY and SHAQ, they will argue that he isn't better than those that you listed.

270 lmao. more like 240

Jordan is the GOAT for sure but there isn't a single unbiased person who would rank Kobe over Lebron, it would be just retarded.

>has never been injured in his career even though hes logged over 28k minutes

This is what makes Lebron criminally underrated, durability is a fantastic asset to have.

>If anything that was the refs' work
>the refs did

you guys; are delusional. the refs would never rig a game, it was outlawed back when that one ref was caught betting. tim donaugty or whatever,

>he is the all-time leader in missed FGs (ultimate stat padder)
he wasnt scared to miss a shot, and he didnt let miss shots take his confidence away. he did it for the team, my goodness.

>LeBron had worse teammates on offense for his first 8 years in the league but no one would accuse him of jacking up shots to stat pad
thats cause everyone was seme slurping him cause he was supposed to be the next jordan, i bet if i go back and look he'll have outrageous stasd.

>the refs would never rig a game

You're just fishing for (You)s at this point.

i would never. it's true. how the fuck can they rig it? like at this point in the NBA it would be obvious and easily get called out by the conspiracy theorists. literally impossible in 2016

he shed a lot of weight the past couple years sp he could play longer. his peak years he was 270

>James seems a lot leaner now having lost over 20 pounds; he used to weigh 270 pounds and now weighs less than 250 pounds.

>Lebron vs Kobr


- better scorer
- better rebounder
- better passer
- better defender
- more MVPs (4 to 1)
- more finals MVPs (3 to 2)


- more rings (5 to 3)

>greatest talent the nba has ever seen
I can agree to say he's has the greatest physical ability the nba ever seen, but talent is Allen Iverson

paleo diet

Just a few examples:

hgh testing was changed, 5 all stars dropped 20+ pounds all in the same offseason

lel even if the end of that one season wasn't refball it doesn't matter. congrats on getting a supposed superteam to the 8th seed.

"He wasn't scared to miss a shot" is the shittiest excuse. "He did it for the team," congrats, he missed the most shots ever "for the team." His confidence didn't help him shoot any better in clutch situations, just the same massive amount. Only Kobe fans can make a poor career FG% as a result of chucking into a good thing.

He brought a trophy to da land.

This. People don't realize this but winning a ship with Cleveland is like winning 8 straight anywhere else, that city has been cursed for decades before last month.

Kobe was the OG chucker, he chucked way more than Curry. Like you're getting triple teamed and you still chuck it and miss, that was the signature Kobe play.

Allen iverson is the most overrated player in history. Like Curry many casuals bandwagoned him because he was short and relatable, but also like Curry he was absolutely shit defensively.
>inb4 steals=defense
Larry Brown, Iversons own coach, said he gambled too much for steals and got beat off the dribble routinely because of it.
>also inb4 he carried a shit team to the finals
That team had the DPOY COY and 6th man along with the "mvp."
Tldr; only casuals love AI