Sup bros. I found this pill on the parking lot at walgreens. I looked it up...

Sup bros. I found this pill on the parking lot at walgreens. I looked it up, and apparently it's some shit for opioid fags. Question to my opioid bros, can I snort this shit? Can I get high?

Just take it. You'll have a nice day off.

There's some recreational value as they can produce a high in non opiate addicts. Don't take over 2mg if you try it.

Nice answer from reddit friend

I wouldn't take it. It's to reduce opiate dependency.

From what I've found online, 1/16-1/8 of it should get you pretty high if you have no experience with opiates

google is helpful, if this guy is too dumb to look it up then i will

That's an 8mg suboxone... Break off a quarter (or less) of it, put it under your tongue and let it dissolve for 20-30 minutes. The goal is to allow the dissolved liquid to get absorbed by the capillaries under your tongue, so don't talk while for that 20-30 minutes and don't swallow any of it until after ~30 min.

About 75 minutes after placing it under your tongue, a long, somewhat subtle, yet consistent high will take over. It's not quite a vicodin / oxy / morphine feel, but it definitely has an opioid-feel to it.

Either snort it or throw it away

Nice, I've never done this, am I going to catch a good buzz?

Do NOT snort it, OP. Subs are specifically formulated for sublingual intake - swallowing, snorting, or injecting the pill will have little-to-no effect. In fact, this specific pill has naloxone, so doing anything besides letting it dissolve under your tongue could potentially cause precipitated withdrawals... which are a nightmare you do not want to experience.

Take it as it's intended to be taken - not because I'm against snorting or whatever, but because it simply works the best when it's dissolved.

There's a lot of shitty replies here, OP... tread lightly.

Sweet! I've only done like 5 mg hydros, I remember getting this warm fuzzy feeling, and sleeping great that night.

Take it all. Make sure to place under your younger.

It seems to get mixed reviews. In my opinion, it's an exceptionally good buzz that lasts substantially longer than any normal opiate. Especially if you don't have experience with opiates, you will absolutely enjoy it! Just start with an 1/8th of the pill, and if you don't feel it after a couple hours, do another 1/8th.

Sounds good man, im going to do like you said and lay down. Is it going to slow me down? I'm a bartender I need energy.

No, he should take it all. It's not like he'll be hugging the toilet all night LOL

Shouldn't slow you down. I always like to grab a cup of coffee a couple hours after taking it, but I don't think that's necessary to maintain energy.

I currently have about 4mg dissolving under my tongue, so I'll be with you in spirit on your journey lol

He almost certainly would be hugging the toilet if he does the full 8mg with no tolerance for opiates. Shit advice... start small, work your way up... just like any other narcotic.

taste like shit.


Texted one of my boys. He said this shit sells for $20-$25 on the street.

Depends how bad the heroin problem is in your area, but that's roughly what I see where I'm at. I pay $15-20 per 8mg. It sounds expensive, but one pill can last almost a week.

I live in east Orlando. Shits getting bad

I think it is everywhere, honestly. The oxy trend of the early to mid 2000s has gone full tilt and transitioned to heroin across the country it seems. I was definitely a part of that... went from buying one vicodin off a friend in high school to selling all of my possessions to buy more black tar heroin - all in the matter of a few years. Suboxone was my saving grace... now I just dabble with it every once in awhile.

Checked and that is true. Should just let him take it lol

Wow, shits crazy. Well thanks for the info, I just got a boost of energy. Imma get ready for work.

oh fuck off with your misinformed bullshit.

bupe produces precipitated withdrawal because its high binding affinity outcompetes remaining opioids in the system, but once binded produces less mu receptor activation.
you know what else it outcompetes? the fucking naloxone. you've fallen for it though.

Kind of a moot point either way. Snorting, slamming, or whatever is not going to yield a better high than just taking it as it's intended.