ITT: movies only you liked
ITT: movies only you liked
That's one of the best PG-13 thrillers of this century
This is honestly my favorite movie. I can't explain why, but everything about it is just so perfect. Honestly, I can't think of anything that's wrong with it. It's perfect for what it is.
Most people I've shown it to have hated it tho.
Hi there
Hey user hows it hangin?
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Underrated thrillers general?
Love this movie, dude. Not to sound meme-y but it's super comfy.
For me pic related, genuinely my favorite movie.
Awww hell ya.
As boy named Clifford growing up, no one else loved this movie more.
Say no more!
Scene with the armored guys, whatvwere they called, The Plague?
Entering the hospital was top tier for me.
uh this movie ruled and only dickheads didnt like it
aka: Spec OPS: The Line
My friend in middle school loved Disturbia
Even Keanu hated this but I thought it was fun
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this could have been so much better than it was
Hopefully one of you anons finds one of these enticing enough to watch
Haven't seen it since I was like 10 years old but I liked it then
Fuck yes I rewatch that once every year.
Here have another underrated one
I was actually really surprised at how entertaining this was. Not nearly as bad as all the criticisms I was reading about it. I guess it's because people had a hate-boner for Fox after she became huge from Transformers.
Also the 3rd Paranormal Activity
i think it was critics retroactively deciding that juno was garbage and they were tricked so they took it out on this
this has to be a troll
I appreciated the movie a lot more after reading the graphic novel prequel. Sadly only about 1% of anyone even midly interested in the movie will read it.
It's a goreporn for people who enjoy "shocking" things like Insane Clown Possee and the whatnot. The movie has some charms, but I feel like it's really just some hipster garbage for the contraripleb, no offense. Dated a sexy little punk girl who loved the movie. She was dumb as hell, but this was one of her favorites.
all awesome choices
everyone loves this movie and most consider it one of the best dark comedies ever made...
Great movie
I could watch this every day for a year.
Oh dude I didn't know anyone that disliked this.
>Daddy, everyone dies.
Christ I forgot about that movie. I had to watch that with my girlfriend and that was her way of saying that we wouldn't be fucking for a while.
Little sister made me watch it with her.
Honestly love this movie, lads.
When I saw this in theaters a black lady passed the fuck out while trying to find an exit. Fucking love it just because of the experience.
it was surprisingly decent. my little sis made me watch it as well. based little sis showing me cool things
I prefer this
>Black Hawk Down
>ITT: Movies only you liked
>ITT: Famous, critically acclaimed and successful movies
>ITT: Movies you like
Hell nah man I love that movie.
im a big fucking fan of weird clown shit
any other movies with weird sereal clown/circus stuff? Something like Big Fish
Get on my level
I tried killing myself but woke up in a hospital. this was the first movie I watched after leaving the loony bin and have been in love with it ever since.
So comfy
Rutger Hauer is good in anything.
this good shit thanks for reminding me
sorry about the killingself thing
Spec ops was more inspired by apocalypse now.
Are you serious? You liked that?
Nah, man. Also I should rewatch it.
Base Val
I loved this movie. Then again, I was 16/17 when I first saw it.
i like this one 2 user
Watch it next year for the 10th anniversary, then you'll see if it holds up as well as you remember it.
Why the fuck was he obsessed with corn at the end?
Fucking love this movie. It was slow as shit and the ending really could have been better, but the atmosphere and soundtrack were both god tier.
I don't know why, just sort of comfy.
Is that fucking ost out already? holy fuck
I watched this with some pseudo hipster chick I met on tinder. Was a helluva night and pretty much dedicate the lay to the soundtrack.
Check out Hitchcock's "Rear Window", it's what Disturbia is based on
Cause he killed the bitch and planted corn all over her body?
still probably one of my favorite horror movies ever
One of my favorite movies when I was 8 or 9 years.
I love this movie to death. Me and my brother can quote the whole thing all the way through.
dude same
maybe same chick
Eskimo bros
Probably one of the most underrated action flicks of the 90s. The gunfights were awesome and it has my favorite performance from Christopher Walken.
that movie's hell good
I hope a line in that movie is "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb ya"
I don't get the hate for it. Just because it's not as great as the first or even the third doesn't make it bad, it's certainly a lot better than the fourth and fifth..
I also liked it, man. A movie with Franco Nero in it can't be bad.
It's a shame he didn't do much.
>file name.
Yeah, that is about it. Not bad. The sequel was fucking hot garbage though.
I like that one too...though it is inferior to both Yojimbo and Fistful of Dollars
Seems like I am the only one that likes this. Yeah its ridiculous, but it knows it. And it definitely doesn't take itself seriously.
This is seriously one of my favorite movies and everyone hates it
I understand why people wouldn't like it, but I think it's pretty genius
The sex scenes go on uncomfortably long and that's the point, but I agree it does get tiresome, especially on repeat watches, when I found myself questioning more about it
But there's no movie like this, and it really feels like its just trying to capture the full spectrum of the human experience with all its extremes
If the sex scenes were a third to maybe half as long as they are and the rest of that time was filled with more interesting scenes that have the emotion of the rest of the film, it would be a perfect film to me