Does anyone from Sup Forums actually discuss sports or even interested in sports? All I see is memes...

Does anyone from Sup Forums actually discuss sports or even interested in sports? All I see is memes. Came here to get a break from Sup Forums...just realized that Sup Forums actually discusses music seriously.
(awaiting Sup Forums tier pajeet memes)


Sup Forums hates ESPN but all we ever talk about is ESPN tier tabloid fodder and memes.

>Tim Tebow, he just wins
>Spygate, Bountygate, Deflategate, Memegate
>Is Lebron overrated? Is he the GOAT?
>Is Steph Curry better than Jordan?
>this player beats his wife
>this other player is a cuck
>that one player has a weird looking kid

The rest is just shittalking other teams and endless tripfaggotry.

Does anyone from India actually poo in the loo? All I see is designated shitting streets.
(awaiting amerifat memes)

>Sup Forums actually discusses music seriously
making shitty album lists and k-pop pic collections is not discussing music


>Sup Forums actually discusses music seriously

good bait

The difference with other boards is that we discuss current sporting events, but when there's nothing on, we meme away. It's a different dynamic.


In the generals, yes
Outside, no

theres more children on Sup Forums than there are on Sup Forums. let that sink in

Outside the k-pop generals, and meme albums Sup Forums is actually fairly helpful when it comes to least they seem genuinely interested in the music they listen to

Ever since Sup Forums has Sup Forums and flags, Sup Forums has gone to shit during international events

WC 2010 was the last great Sup Forums big competition

People shitpost even when there are current sporting events though


toastin in an epic bread

>Sup Forums actually discusses music seriously
Go back to your designated board Pajeet

>Does anyone from Sup Forums actually discuss sports or even interested in sports?
Of course, it's just flooded with divegrass memers right now

>Sup Forums actually discusses music seriously
AHAHAHAHAHA now I know you're not serious


Okay let's talk about sports. How is it that a nation with ONE BILLION people manages to be relevant only in cricket and literally dogshit in everything else?

lel, nobody even fucking replies let alone discusses
Unless you post le youtube man, then you've got a thread.

Almost correct, London 2012 was the last great.

Let's discuss sports ranjid:
Does it happen that indish cricket player shit on the field during a game out of reflex? If yes, how is it penalized?

Don't you have a job to steal in a foreign country, manpreet?


WC 2010 was when Sup Forums got invaded by foreign cancer from Sup Forums and everything went to shit, we had a nice broculture before that.

Next month we will see a great confluence of boards due to the Rio Olympics.

There will be something for everyone from Sup Forums to Sup Forums to /x/ and Sup Forums

Wat. Why?


>yfw polack chimps turn hue mocking into three weeks of nigger nigger nigger
