Guys, help me. This is my favorite Nightmare on Elm Street sequel.
Guys, help me. This is my favorite Nightmare on Elm Street sequel
Not my favorite of the series but upon revisiting it from the box set I really changed my mind about it. It's fun as fuck! Rachel Talalay is completely based as a director. Check out Tank Girl too if you haven't already! Pisses me off she's stuck doing TV shows now.
You don't need help, it's a great send up of the franchise and perfect finale. It's also entertaining as all fuck, and has a kick ass title/credit theme.
Wish I could have seen it in 3D back in the day desu.
It's a thoroughly amusing film, nothing to be ashamed about. There are some great scenes, and the characters are likable.
Fans of Part II on the other hand should die in a fire
I'll help you by being your friend and offering to watch this with you because you have good taste
Where am I?
you're in /late-night tv/™, when the kiddies are asleep and the posters with actual taste are on the prowl
I like it.
It's better than new nightmare