No leftist ideology has ever worked. Prove me wrong

No leftist ideology has ever worked. Prove me wrong.

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what about segregation?

no ideology has ever worked

The republic was a leftist ideology.

No rightist government worked either, your point?


what a nice one

French revolution

What about the idea that OP is a faggot?

That's the right, numbskull
Found a leftist

American revolution

My province is pretty much center left and we got "free" health care we pay with taxes but we also got private health care system that acts as a faster lane if you have the money

Australian Aborigines had a communism style system before the fucking Brexit wankers came along and fucked us up.

What an embarrassment to lose a country to those fucktards...

Meiji restoration


Magna Carta

>can use a computer
must be 98% white

self hating retard

They also had average tribe sizes of around 30 and killed most of their own promising leaders to keep power with the elders. They also never made a permanent dwelling or invented a waepon more advanced than the stick

Fuck up cunt. Go back to centrelink and buy some more paint to huff.

In the 1960's the democrats introduced the welfare state to the black community. They single handedly drove the number of single black mothers from 20% to 75%. Leftist policy works wonders friend.

The left is relative to what the center is, there are things considered right wing now that would've been seen as left wing before.

Weekends came from labor unions

such as

The nordic countries are more around the middle than downright leftist.

While I cant prove you wrong, I can say that after a country becomes conservative and is set on making things like they were "before" the country goes downhill e.g. British Empire, Roman Empire, Soviet Russia, U.S.A just to name a few.

Just realized, in its early years the USSR was an incredibly shitty place to live, but as time went on the leaders became more left and the country slowly became better (while still being incredibly shitty)

Trips of truth

Giving people the right to vote was leftist. That shit seemed to work very well.

Capitalism. Really? Yes.

Right-tards would have you believe capitalism is the default, the natural state of things when there is no top-down interference in the affairs of private individuals dealing with each other and leveraging their private property to their own advantage. But that has always existed and left by itself the result was Feudalism, the name given to the system of lawless governance by property-owning classes following the collapse of the western roman empire. Like concrete, it would over a thousand years before law-governed society would be reinvented and this came with the first form of non-charitable social security; the concept of debt relief and limited liability. It was now possible for someone to escape debtors prison and loan bondage because they could now borrow and limit their liability by law. No one could claim ownership of another person by proxy by leveraging their ownership of that person's debts. Despite objections from the Right-tards of the day, it did not make borrowing more expensive nor lending more risky, because now those in debt rather than being locked up or forced to work in jobs they were not suited for were free to be useful to society in their best capacity.

We need more social security, not less. This has been the single biggest policy failure by governments for the last 50 or so years.

not being a monarchy

sure kid. like you came up with this statement.

Submit to the Gulag yourself or we'll have to bring you there with violence

its your turn to put on the yoke of oppression.

indigenous aussies also shit in holes and didnt have tasty mcdonalds. Those ungrateful shits are way better off now

The same can be said about the rightist...right? assholes...

The man speaks trueee

America worked you dumb cunt.

Works great if your running the scam.

unions. seriously. work next to union shop. union pisses off owner. owner pulls legal strings. union guys unemployed, shop still open.

so you can't prove anything except you hate a specific group based on political ideals.

Now over paid and corrupt union reps cone from unions.


No right wing ideology has ever worked.

Prove me wrong.

idk besides that right countries become shit. Left countries dont.

капиталистические суки

Yea that really worked out gr8 m8

Yea that shit worked out super great. Insted of giving power to thoss who climbed up to get it, lets give it to the lazy fucks who are leaching on society.

Worked out real fine.

Tell that to the salty brits who didn't want brexit. Blaming the voting process for letting old people vote.

British empire went to shit after the industrial revolution.
Roman empire went to shit after Christianity.
Soviet russia went to shit after communism. All of these were liberal leftist ideologys. Count your chromosomes kid. Are there 46? Didnt think so.

>industrial revolution

The centrists of today were the left of yesterday.

dual citizenship

double checkd but the french rev. was the first step in a way the enlightenment of europe..

The FDA and minimum wage are both things that have significantly increased quality of life. Pursuit of science is also leftist in and of itself, promoting free thinking for the greater good is the foundation of liberal ideology.

>promoting free thinking for the greater good
how do you spell SJW?
Oh, and science is (in principle) free from politics.

The industrial revolution was much more than a step forward in the manufacturing processes of goods. It promoted the gap between the rich and the poor and enlarged it greatly. To balance out the ideology of the industrial revolution, communism was formed.


What political party do I belong to if I refuse to give a shit as long as no one tries to kill me/want me dead?

maybe libertarian

So you pay twice. Great.

Edgy teenager who likes "telling it how it is"
I see nothing here about free dissemination of information or investigation of the natural world.

>free will

No thanks, I don't need a diamond cutter.

So on top of you having to pay your own healthcare, you also have to pay for your neighbours rent and healthcare while you receive little to no benefits from the government. Yay socialism.

The Smurfs.

They seemed alright.

They are social democratic. Seeing what people think Bernie is, If the prime ministers of Scandinavian states ran for president in the US, they would be considered fucking communists.
So no, they are leftist. Socialism worked in the north.

Funny that a fantasy tv show is one of the best examples.

It was based on a true story though.

I saw that South Park episode too.
Great documentary.

LBJ idea that giving food stamps would secure the nig vote for Democrats forever.
Been working for the demlibs

Sweden ?

Technically no ideology had worked

You mean the new Islamic capitol of the world?

lemme grab this here bait

Claiming an ideology is "leftist" is meaningless beyond the context of influencing opinion of your audience.

Any "rightist" ideology is "to the left" of a more extreme example in history; even if it were quantifiable, putting a bundle of abstract decisions or ideas on a 2 dimensional scale is not an exercise meant for intelligent people. It is just a rhetorical strategy to sway minds one way or the other.

No government has ever adhered completely to the ideological principles it is founded on, so judging governments by the ideology written on their constitutions is not very useful. Governments are the result of arbitrary social circles (people with the best rhetoric, or the pointiest sticks) exerting military and economic control over their corner of the world. if they are beholden to an ideology, it is by definition inconsistent amongst its members due to interpretation and bias.