Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends?

Because that's for virgin faggots with no life or friends :/\)

That game will kill all your friendships.

Its too repetitive. Im currently enjoying eso.

Because im too busy playing Overwatch to give a fuck about a shitty game like LoL.

Mei is bae.

More like league of losers amirite? XDDDDDD

>It's too repetitive

Because I recently realized the entire community is full of autistic fucks who honestly think their rank in that game means anything. Yeah good job on being plat bro, but that doesn't mean you're not a shitbag with no friends. It's not even a big accomplishment. I could get 4 friends, hook everybody up with scrips, and climb to gold in a day, yet people want to act like they're gods for this shit, the entire playerbase is just fucking disgusting. Also there are better games with better communities with gameplay that is far more satisfying.

Most free games nowadays are stupid. Although planetside2 is good too.


Dis nigga gets it.

Its alot worse than this buddy.

I don't see the apeal of overwatch. Its tf2 with waifus

Its a good game to Kill time tho if you don't tryhard

>with waifus

i was diamond 1 with masters mmr on that game, and i quit league of legends becuase the game is shit right now, dynamic q is shit, the dragon system is shit, the new champions are shit, the fact that everyone all of the sudden got higher elo in s6 is shit. It's not about your individual skill anymore its all about teamplay. It's just plain out boring and i haven't played it even for 1 min since 02 may 2016. Everyone should abandon that shit game.

>Replacing a shit game with another shit game

You have terrible taste

Because I'm not a fucking loser

Because I play a MOBA that actually requires me to use my brain.

Hate the community
Not a fan of MOBAs either

Because I just logged off to masturbate after winning 2 games

I Am tho.


Moba games are lazy games.

Video games are meant to be recreation.
Not a fucking IQ test.

Because Fizz exists


Because moba's are dumb

kek' it

Faggotry game

My computer is shit

>star game, play map, ok cool map, what other maps are there?
>only map
>uninstall game, never play again

Most video games are recreation because they offer challenges for the player to overcome.

I chose a game that is actually challenging because i'm not a retard.

I've played enough draven today

because I play superior dota 2 where more than 95% of all heros are picked in major tournaments thanks to supreme icefraud balance

But everyone loved fizz as a character.

OP, why aren't you playing a real game?

Because I'm to busy ruining my life with Stellaris. Fucking game needs a faster speed setting.

That's quite the ego you have, for someone arguing about video games on an image board.

Wow a team based game is now more focused on teamplay!? That's so stupid!!1!!1! hehe xd


nah just saying, how the system and everything is it's impossible to win alone, especially when u get with 4 premades.
and the game is just so fucking boring right now don't get how people can still play that shit game.

Moving goalposts with an ad hominem attack

Two birds with one stone. Nice work.


>it's impossible to win alone

it's almost like the game is designed for team play... shocking.

I still play but only because I enjoy the team-play aspect with a few friends. It's also rather enjoyable raping the meta-champ fags.

Ow is the shit. But mei is fucking useless, piece of shit hero

How was that ad hominem

He didn't insult you, he just stated a fact, the fact that you interpreted it as an insult just shows how weak your logic is

9gag was 2 turns to the left, you are lost my friend

dude, take this from a guy who used to eloboost and was 1% of all ranked players on EUW.
It's not like i was struggling in fkn silver/gold. I'm just saying, the game is not as fun as it used to be back in season 1,2,3,4. The game is shit and dynamic Q and the new stuff they've added have ruined the game.


Calling someone egotistical is an insult dude.

Im plat, and tbh, plat is fucking easy to climb to, you just need dedication. That said, i dont know a playerbase more shit than league. (besides eu csgo)

Because Overwatch is better.

You're implying I have some sort of logical fallacy despite him making no attempt to refute my point other than calling me a petty egotist.

I dont see why everyone hates dymanic queue, its fine with me

I was maining adc and the support i was duoing with used to play with the pros in a pro team back in s3, and even he said the game was shit
80% of all my friends have quit league ..

Actually rather easy going ham and carrying a game, you are just bad i guess

That isn't saying much

>I dont see why everyone hates dymanic queue, its fine with me

It's because they're forcing you to play teamranked.
The system is aids

It really is though, try it out

>The game is shit and dynamic Q and the new stuff they've added have ruined the game
"Adapt or be removed." Riot is actually trying to fix their damn game. Everyone who's complaining can't see that, though.

Im usually playing solo or with only one teammate, i cant see the problem

The game needs a mode where you can get a more intimate view of the characters.

I can agree with most of that, particularly that (in comparison) the game is a lot worse off than previous seasons.

I personally don't care for dynamic queue either but it's w/e. Atleast they're bringing back Ranked 5's again, that'll be way nicer for me.

TBH tho playing with friends is what keeps me on LoL.

I played on a friends account, it's exactly what I thought it was. A creatively bankrupt FPS game that recycles mechanics from existing FPS games. The only thing unique it has to offer is shiny new graphics and waifu pandering.

You can keep denying that the game is shit, goahead.
But i'm calling it right now, people will realize sooner or later that the game is not fun at all.
It's unrecognizable.
I gave them multiple chances before i quit league don't get me wrong, I didn't quit because i was "struggling" in high elo dynamicQ, I quit becuase i did not have fun playing it anymore.

Yes the last month of playing league, I played only with friends and I realized how broken the system was, because me and 2 other good players boosted alot of people on our smurfs from silver to high plat/low dia.

Cus i'm done dunking bitches with Illaoi for today.



this was my mmr/elo b4 i quit


You did an awful job hiding your name Salty Vayne Main

Because DOTA's better

oh yea haha saw it now whatever man