>Since the start of the sixth season the company has aggressively targeted torrent sites with takedown requests. While some sites simply ignore these, popular indexes and search engines such as KickassTorrents and Torrentz have removed links to hundreds of torrents.
>In some cases, the most popular torrents are removed a few minutes after they appear online. This is much quicker than average, suggesting that HBO’s anti-piracy partners are monitoring the situation in real time and on a broad scale.
>A search on KickassTorrents shows that the most popular torrent releases for the first two episodes have been removed. Similarly, a search for Game of Thrones on Torrentz notes that links to the 100 torrents with the most peers are all gone.
When are you people going to learn that you can't win?
Piracy will soon end.
Buy your media. It's only a matter of time your misdeeds catch up to you.
These poor quality downloads are not worth your jailtime.
Luis Kelly
They tried with napster and lime wire. People will find a way to get free shit
Aiden Lee
>you people What do you mean you people?
Brandon Torres
>They tried with napster and lime wire.
They killed them good.
Luke Moore
>1+2000+15+1 >still being a public tracker pleb
Blake Ramirez
>using popular public trackers
Elijah Gutierrez
>kickass torrents taking down stuff before they get sued >Piracy is ending
Tell that to the 200+ Piratebay clones and the hundreds of other tor sites.
Kevin Miller
is it already [next year]?
David Morgan
I've never really understood the vehement anti-pirate fags that show up on nearly every board on this site. Are they so morally outraged by people not paying for digital movies that they try to somehow shame you into doing so? Or are they just paid shills? But who would pay for such a vague, ineffective message?