Mother & son thread
Mother & son thread
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Ask a guy who slept with his mother while she was pregnant anything?
Show her right now
what, why ?
>didn't happen
choose one.
This happened to me
moar pls
look up Shadman. you're in for a wild ride.
greentext your personal story
Because she going through a sexual dry spell because my dad didn't find her attractive while pregnant.
less caption garbage please
So you basically just fucked her because she was horny?
Thx user
Did u like it?
its legal, dont cry for mods
lol thats sophie dee
>sophie dee
and her ? ;^)
Sort of. I was only 17 at the time and I remember accidentally walking into the washroom and my mom was entirely naked. She was in her first trimester and was trying to get herself off with a haircomb. She saw me but couldn't stop because she was so close and ended up finishing her orgasmed while I watched. That night we talked about what happened and she told me she was planning on cheating on dad just until she delivered. Obviously she didn't like the idea but her sexual frustration was to much and she told me she desperately wanted sex. Of course I didn't want her to cheat on dad so I tried convincing her not too but her mind was set. Eventually we reached a compromise and I ended up fucking her until she was done with the pregnancy.
Yeah I liked it. I knew it was wrong but sex was still sex and I couldn't control myself.
more of her
Have you done it since?
last one mah dude
the age has me stumped, no clue
waaaaaait a tick
Just a couple of times but not often anymore. My dad eventually found her attractive again and was able to satisfy her.
Alright, either someone's really good at drawing or those are real. The colors and lighting look off, so I can't tell.
her ass and pussy looks beat up and trashed. no thank you
Was she ever on top? Did she talk much?
Did you cuddle after?
Was it different with her not being pregnant? Do you want to do it again?
>asking for primo puss
you're in the wrong fetish there friendo
What's the most pregnant she got while still being sexually active?
not at all. lots of moms dont have beat up pussies like that. that woman just happens to have a disgusting pussy. big difference from asking for "primo pussy".
She was on top for the first few months. There were times where she would just ride my cock while I sat on the couch. After the baby started getting bigger, I had to support her whenever she wanted to be on top. Eventually we couldn't do that anymore and she had to be on bottom.
By talk do you mean during sex? Usually it was just moans and her screaming at me to go deeper or harder. Either that or we had to be quiet because my dad would catch us.
Yeah, we cuddled all the time after sex. We would just hug each other while she catcher her breath. She's really affectionate and that's probably because of her motherly instincts.
Do you like salty puss puss?
Source of these?
as much as you like dad dick in your ass
oh shit nigga
Yeah of course. There's less weight on you and she was much more agile. We went alot harder when she wasn't pregnant and the sex was definitely better.
I wouldn't mind doing it again but that's all up to her. I never got to pick when she wanted to fuck.
How much older is she?
Did you ever do her when she was on her knees?
What do you mean? We were still having sex days before she finally gave birth.
>How do I green text again?
Hoping for the rest
Do you beat the lil wigger downstairs thinking about her?
I'm not sure what to green text about. We just had alot of sex.
Were you a virgin when you started? Do you talk about your sex life?
Go to 8muses. Artist is JAB.
These are best threads, I don't fantasize about my own mom but I like to fantasize about having a hot mom that dresses like a slut.
19 years older than me.
Lots of times. Especially when she couldn't move alot anymore in the third trimester. She would just get on her knees and hands while she spreaded her legs apart. I would pretty much take it from there and ram her pussy until I finished.
This pic is perfect in every way.
Sometimes haha. Usually I just look at Porn to do that.