>being this edgy either fake and pathetic or real and pathetic.
Luke Kelly
Because as far as I'm concerned they fall under the NEET category and make a living from charity via online donations. Also checked quads bro, nice
Colton Taylor
What about Jews OP?
Logan Clark
They make their living from ad revenue, you fucking retard. That's why YouTube has ads. Learn the system before you criticize.
Austin Powell
Checking myself for the third time. Holy shit u faggots are getting so roasted
Julian Collins
Christopher Nelson
Daniel Lewis
Ya from sitting in their chairs shit posting in front of a camera. People who make a living this way are either too incapable or too lazy to get a real fucking job.
Leo King
OP a jew confirmed
David Sullivan
Andrew Hernandez
>hates shit tier job >takes it out on the /comfy/ intelligent elite
Joshua Walker
You're just salty because they have the option to be lazy. In before you check yourself again, you pathetic faggot.
Robert Phillips
That's like saying tv moderators are neets because they only sit in a studio and shit talk
Dominic Gomez
Here Ya go retard. Just promise me u won't cry urself to sleep tonight jacking off to animated fur porn ahahahah
Jackson Harris
Just everyone then?
Gabriel Gutierrez
>your mother
Levi Bailey
Most of OP's groups really are scum. Liberals are fine though, because authoritarians are anti-american and liberals are the only ones who give a shit.
Brayden Nguyen
It's not seventh of January you fucking faggot
Lucas Allen
>People stupid enough to not agree with me >Weaboos >Junkies >Faggots/dykes >Republicans
Isaiah Rogers
*unzips katana* *glares at you from beneath my fedora* "Why don't you say that to my..." *leaps forward in a tornado slash move and eyes change red* "Face"
Tyler Jackson
sounds like you have your self kys
Eli Cook
Jayden Brooks
>people who make lists of people they don't respect
Austin Morgan
>cucks >prostitutes aka "adult movie actors"
Ryder Perry
Jordan Rivera
>probably fat >confirmed faggot >hates fat people and fags
Chase Butler
>OP I finished my list
Joseph Ortiz
Found a picture of OP.
Cooper Perry
He's a eurofag dumbass
Adrian Reyes
>Racists >male chauvinists >homophobics >posh persons >in a few words, people like you.
Jose Morales
Zachary Sanchez
>elderly (except for war vets)
You're a fucking retard. OOOH this guy fucked around in Europe/Korea/Vietnam/Place with lots of sand so I automatically respect him. It's pretty funny how people automatically "respect" vets for literally no reason other then they were part of our military and wear stupid fucking hats to let everybody know.
Liam Hernandez
>unzips katana
jesus dude
Brayden Anderson
>People who are unable to live and let live
How much do you hate your life OP?
Julian Reyes
you're on Sup Forums early in the morning. turn off your computer and get some sleep
Christopher Lopez
Ppl who play melee, 64 or brawl in plasma/modern tvs
Ppl who think smash4 is the best smash (usually little kids)
Lucas Torres
He's at work. >People who post on Sup Forums when they should be working.
Jackson Foster
Yeah no. Lol you're the little general labor boy that goes and gets my lunch, faggot. I know your type, thinking you're a big shot when all you do is stand there while I work, and the only think you're intelligent enough to say is "C-can I get anything for you, s-sir?"
Jayden Mitchell
Why do you care what others do as long as they are not hurting anybody and everything is consensual.
I understand pedos and animal abusers but come on...
Sounds like jealously to me.
Jonathan Myers
Jose Nguyen
Ian Ortiz
>trans/gender fluid >dykes >feminists >women >SJWs >Muslims >NEETs but most of all >bisexualsm
Zachary Hill
Austin Harris
> Australians
t. am australia
Charles Garcia
Carter Peterson
Chase Green
No you hahahahahahahahaha
Jose Sanders
You forgot antifas.
Hunter Anderson
Watching this
Jayden Reyes
thereĀ“s not much room for respect in your life.. you ruled out almost everything or -one!
Easton Brown
Jaxon Barnes
God damn, get a life you fucking loser.
Kayden Ortiz
>People you automatically have no respect for.
people who ignore the individual and lump everyone into arbitrary social groupings to collectively dismiss them.
those kinda people are just elderly muslim faggots.
Aiden Brown
So, why are you even on this site, you little faggot?
Mason Morales
But why pedos?
Hudson Thomas
People who misuse greentext. In other words, OP and all the other summer newfags ITT.
Gabriel Cook
OP here, lmaooing hard at how triggered all u fags are and my Co workers too. Topkek!
Ryder Allen
People who are intolerant of other people's cultures The Dutch
Jonathan Hernandez
>trying to hide the pain of rejection this hard >even Sup Forums hates me >pouring concrete in my heart
Jack Roberts
Ur a bit of a closeminded douche not gonna lie
Chase Hill
I actually agree with furries
Sebastian Reyes
I'm pretty sure op was kidding
Carson Garcia
Pretty sure this whole thread is bait upon bait, but what else is new
Jose Perez
OP here. I am 100% not kidding and u can pass this off as bait all you want you NEET faggot weebs! Ahahaha