Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

There's literally nothing wrong with maining Teemo

Tahm Kench, because you can save bad adcs with this fucking guy.

gangplank, only life for me

The Uninstaller.

Draven been maining him for a while now hes such a fun adc

>>Sup Forums

I main Tahm specifically for killing my adc

Also a Soraka main! I'm plat 4 240k mastery points

You can't sage your own post, dumbass.


fuck you. I hate GP mains the laning phase is so boring, atleast if it's top. Q spam on me early game and stay 1000 feet away from me 24/7 and if i try to chase you'll run faster than usain bolt

I only do it at the end of the game, or if he's especially being a dick.

>mostly great community

>joins game
>Russian screams at me and spams pings

I play whatever the team needs to not suck dick.
If I'm first pick tho:
Top, Tryn
JG, Xin
Mid, any mage or assassin, they're all the same.
ADC. any adc, they're all the same
Support. Kench or a heavy-cc mage.

your fault for being a shitty lol player cyka

worst kind of person

Vel'koz, because making bitches explode into dust is fun. Also Teemo because he is a cunt, and I love him. And Taric. TARIC TOP IS VIABLE

Hey, another Soraka bro.


Why have the lol community turned to Sup Forums, i see this thread every fucking day

Stay bronze

And what have that gotten you so far tank wise?

I was joking about Taric top. Although he is super good. If you build right, his enhanced auto spam can be broken.

>Easy to learn
That's the only one that touched on gameplay at all. And even then who's complaining?
And it's clearly biased, because it's sucking Gaben's tiny Jew dick.

Amumu. mfw i nail my ult in team fight

>mfw I didn't have to chase you

heimer support in ranked

I feed off my team's tears




Vlad or wukong top
syndra mid
twitch adc
kindred jungle
fuck i dont have a single supp champ

rip thread

>Playing a p2w game with a stale meta and dhit mechanics

Even HotS is a better game compared to lol

constantly shifting best adc meta
right now I've got caitlyn/jinx

Any idea for a bronzie to main to climb

Go TK Top/Jungle/Supp
As for ADC, stick to Cait or Draven
And on the midlane, fuck it, go LB or AP Shyvana

What build do you recommend as for the build on tk? Besides the build based on enemy comp

Which piece of shit champion are you playing if you lose lane from GP and can't even outrun him?

I'm not the same guy but he's pretty fast with phage and his barrels and that passive

GP just tries to abuse his laning phase against easy match ups. Try playing Irelia of Riven against him.

As supp :
start with tank supp item and refillable pot, back at 800 gold or at your 6 if you wanna hold the lane for a while
Get Supp item level 2 and boots
Start shredding your ennemies because your E is kinda stupid
live your life until the next 800 golds at least, back, take the sightstone or the merging of it and your supp item if you can
take boots of celerity
deadman's plate for further booty checking
The last 2 items are pretty much whatever you want :
You can take a zeke's if your adc needs it
A warmog if you never want to see your base again
A titanic hydra if you wanna proc your passive instantly once in melee range.

And for the jungle, it's kind of the same :
Go cinderhulk, take your boots, gank a bit, get celerity boots
go on a rampage and nothing can stop you as long as there's no Janna involved

And for top, Same as supp, except you can take a wit's end, eventually.

Thanks man I'll try it out prob not as support since it's nit a role I really enjoy