What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

you simply don't get to bring friends

He clearly didn't act like a "normal" C.I.A. agent.

He has a lotta loyalty

Seriously, without any memeing: he acted like an idiot.
Those fucking speeches... what did he try to achieve?

He's a big guy

Now that you're mentioning: Why was the C.I.A. agent so surprised that those guys were working for Bane?

I guess he was a terrorist of / from the Middle East, so it shouldn't be so surprising that someone caught his soldiers...

>C.I.A. agent

His name is C I A

>His name is C I A

Any sauce on that, brother?

>Dr. Pavel IM CIA
Literally the first line

He tells Doc Pavel he is called CIA

Yes, I know the meme.
But I'm talking about the real character.

He was suffering from some mental illness that made him believe that he was an entire government agency. He had an Atlas complex, he felt the burden of the entire CIA on his back and it made him crack. He WAS CIA.

In the script his name is CIA MAN
I'm not memeing, look it up

In the book he has more character and his name is Bill Wilson


According to the novelization, CIA wanted a promotion to Washington and thought that gathering information about Bane would be a good way to get it. I guess that's why he broke some rules and interrogated the hired guns.

New DC superhero? Maybe he survived the crash, maybe Bane lied and he was crashing the plane with one survivor?

His problem was not getting these dubs.



>that's why he broke some rules

What rules exactly?