Just got my first paycheck.
Don't really know how to feel.
I feel kinda dead inside.
Ask me anything I guess.
Just got my first paycheck
do you want to kill yourself?
How many hours did you work?
I did even before I had the job but never really considered it.
I'm sure it's the way I'm going to die whenever I do, can't see it happening any other way
Don't remember. The pay periods are fucking weird in this faggot place. I make 8.5 an hour so you can do the math if you feel like it.
I understand, I know everyone likes to joke about killing yourself but still, my answer stands.
You should feel very proud of yourself for not being a jobless faggot. 1/2 of the country are leeches, you are not. Sure, it doesn't look like much but learn from the job, learn how idiotic people can be, get a bunch of free crazy bread. Real life is doing time at a job to bankroll your real life, which could be getting bitches or could be buying a game on Steam. Make it happen.
It should say how many hours you worked on your stub.
What makes life worth it for you right now?
That was oddly inspiring. Can't stand anything from Cesars but at least my family likes it I guess.
I got Super Meat Boy. Gonna get Hyperdimension Neptunia 4 on the 5th. Works hard though cause I'm a little bitch.
You said that's your first paycheck
Don't be hard on yourself user
Starting a new job is always difficult at first but it'll get much easier
Keep going through the motions and make friends
I like fapping, Nep (pic related) and speaking with my friends. Good enough for me.
It's tracked online and I'm too lazy to actually set up my account kek
Jesus christ why haven't you killed yourself yet?
I have a problem with trying to do everything perfectly with no experience and being very down on myself when I fail. Kinda getting over it a bit, but my feet just don't stop hurting.
Look at it this way: If you do tour job good enough for a long enough time you will start getting raises or promotions. Eventually you might even make it to some sort of manager. That is what you use low level pay for. Do your hardest and use them as stepping stones.
Also see
Still better than your paycheck.
That's what they all tell me. Experience is experience so it will most likely pay off probably maybe hopefully.
It will eventually. Just make sure whoever your boss is sees that you put in a lot of work, which oroves that you are managemennt material.
Dude there are like 4 Managers and I'm pretty alright with three of them. I've had to stay a couple hours past closing sometimes so I'd say I'm doing alright
Take out the down on yourself and that attitude will make you manager.
Protip: never turn down more hours if they're on the table
Of course, I know that much. I'm part time though so I can't work more than 30 a week, rather I'm not supposed to.
How bout you get a real tucking job faggot
>be me
>first job
Shut up nigger.