Hey aus fags who you voting for.
also general aus fag thread (Say your post code when posting)
Hey aus fags who you voting for.
also general aus fag thread (Say your post code when posting)
Other urls found in this thread:
Op here I'm voting for labor
Greens (because they won't win) preferences to Labour. Libs always win in my seat anyway (Julia Bishop)
Australian sex party
Hunters and shooters
voting is pointless and mastabatory. fuck voting.
liberal democrats.
Australian sex party
Anyone that votes Liberals can get fucked. I still can't believe people have any faith in them, let alone it being 50/50 2 party.
Ajp , followed by greens and then idk
5162 also someone post oc nudes
Labor obv
I have questions for army fags, any here?
> 2310
True. I usually vote Labour anyway to preserve Medicare and public education funding. Libs/Nationals are a business support group. Anything that improves the economy and keeps business (including the rich ones) going strong is fine by them. Nothing wrong with that. the economy is important, but the poor need to be looked after too. Also, the Libs have not done well in their attempts to improve the economy anyway of late. Malcom's fine though. He has his cash in a tax have. She'll be right mate
Pirate Party
One nation/labor
Any 2975?
fuck off amerifag and enjoy being obese
labor because poorfag
BHP Billiton told me the Liberal party is better for the country. They seem to know what's up.
Libs lower house, ALA upper house.
Fuck all you cucks, do you want to be swamped in more shitskins than we have already? Or have faggots thinking they're normal?
Sex party or Greens. Whichever one gives me less flyers at the front gate.
labour b/c i care about australian people
also im a fag
ALP. Sex. Hemp.
I always forget what the L stands for.
Turnbull can fuck right off
LNP because fuck you poorfags
Ironic that the lefty faggots rely on the youth vote, I guess one day they grow up and vote for the more intelligent right wing of politics.
>LNP because fuck you poorfags
A division in houses so the government basically can do nothing unless it's unilateral. Good thinking user. Still, I'm going ALP because I'm a poorfag and the Libs don't give a fuck about me. Labour at least pretend to give a fuck about the poor so I'm going ALP
oh look, a cuck.
labor mate
LNP because not a loser.
When I grow up I want to be more intelligent enough to use racial slurs.
lol cuck
Chances are right-wing parties will work better with the Coalition than the Greens.
I mean anyone who votes green should be hanged for treason.
When you grow up you'll realise that having all the third world come here and live makes us the third world.
But hey, maybe you like being cucked by Apex gangers or Arab shitsquads.
lol fucking cuck
>Pauline and ALA
New and Fresh .onion links for the 1st of July.
All links have been personally tested by me, so it's 100% working.
Some are honeypots created by me that will only last about a week.
324 .onion links
143 torrents with 5+ seeders
I only vote Greens first because I know they wont win. A bit of pressure on the major parties to reduce climate change is a good incentive. A lot of Greens policies are leftist retarded fuckery. The right wing parties are retarded too. "Stop the Boats" is good in theory though a few hundred boat people a year, or even a few thousand, isn't going to do much to a nation of over 20 million (Dr.Evil.jpg). Labour is slightly left and will protect my free Medicare when I need it. Libs may or may not. Also, I personally don't like Malcom. He seems like a rich prick to me
>Hey aus fags who you voting for.
Implying they're not all the same
Implying it matters who you vote in
Implying the Greens actually give a shit about climate change
pic related
Its not the boats you should worry about, we have too much non-western immigration through legit sources.
Skin colour doesn't bother me, just culture. If they assimilate, cool, welcome to oz. If they don't (lets face it, they won't) its just more problems.
Kill yourself
Simplifying policies is not the same as understanding the difference. Yes, both major parties are retarded. Yes, one of the two will win. The issues where the parties differ is what matters when you vote one over the other. Hey, at least we don't face as retarded an election as the Amerifags this year
Vote for flux is a vote for democracy
Someone help, I am not politically aware.
I'm a Centrelink funded student who plans to finish an engineering degree then GTFO. Someone take my vote.
come visit the b porn gen.
I'm Military, Pose your question Civ.
That's fucking redundant
Hitler did nothing wrong 2016.
You fucking cuck.
I'm voting green
>ask my grandma whos shes voting for
>'well i dont know how to use those stupid voting papers so i'll just put the same numbers as the commercial on tv'
at least i know how those liberal clowns got in last time
We pretty much have the same retarded election every election year.
Then of course, there is the change in leaderships between elections which is always fun.
But hey, I'm sure it will be different this time around!
I'm a non-voting Jedi.
true my friend user. I agree. Both major parties have the same policy towards legal immigration though. Assimilation is important as fuck. Join us or fuck off, I agree. we don't really have much to worry about there though. It's when you get recent Germany/Sweden levels of immigrants from the same culture that you get major problems. Assimilation takes time. It causes problems in the short term, but benefits in the long run if you don't let too many in at once
I'm voting for the Australia first. Fuck these coloured cunts! Get the fuck back on your boats and take your mosques with you, you fucking musi cunts.
Same and same postcode.
You nazi fuck, suck my abbo dick
It won'r Sup Forumsrother. But at least we tried giving a shit. then realised we didn't care. It wont Sup Forumsrother
I'm voting Green. 0 fucks given.
2695 cunts ill be voting labor beacuse liberals are cancet and everything else is a waste
He back behind your rabbit proof fence before we commit the colouring. For you black fucklords that's where we eradicate your race and make Australia good.. (White)
Considered donkey voting but the LNP rustle my jimjams too much.
labor, and i hope all you are aswell
Im a cuck and actually 2795
We were here first you white dog, you fuckwits can't even fight emus, we been eating those fucks for 40000 years. Me and my cousins are hunt you with bomerangs.
Do you understand what Flux's policy is?
Basically they will provide a platform for you to vote on every bill and the majority of votes on that platform is what Flux will vote for in the Senate.
They also have other concepts where you can give your vote to someone for you and not vote on things your not interested in and use that extra vote on something you understand better.
So basically it's closer to true democracy where you can participate in democracy not just once every 4 years
2605 (canberra)
Greens in HR, Sustainable party in Sen.
Some Cunt
ALA in the senate and Libs. As much as i dont like Admiral Turncoat, Labor and the greens will fuck the country even more.
sounds ok.. but one of the dudes in the party used to be an apple 'genius'
You smelly black fucks can't hunt anything other than my fuel tank. Go sniff some more petrol and fuck your cousin.
4000 LNP
Nick xenophon.
There's a reason major parties are running a smear campaign on the great man
Labor because house prices are fucking insane and the Liberals dont seem to give a fuck (they even seem pro-high prices).
I really fucking hate niggers and arabs, who should I vote for? Serious question.
Legalise marijuana party.
If Billy bumfuck doesn't even know why housing is expensive, how do you expect the cunt to fix it?
Doesn't matter, Libs gunna win anyway.
The best kind of party!
4000 - Labor you silly liberal doghead cunts.
I'm voting to leave the AU
Stralia, mate!
So many NEET dole bludging cuck shitcunts in this thread.
Omega males cunts lol
Any Adelaide fags going to see Ska Punk band 'Area 7' this month?
Also bogans are scum.
Queen Elizabeth II
You. You're about at qualified as anyone else.
But I'm a drug addicted alcoholic
Vote Goat