HALT!! There are reports of filthy jews in this area. Show us your singles to prove you're not a filthy kike

HALT!! There are reports of filthy jews in this area. Show us your singles to prove you're not a filthy kike.

Dubs: Jew
Trips: Rabbi
Quads: Member of Hitler's inner circle.

Rolling for quads

I swear officer I'm no Jew

Let me check me pockets

Hail Hitler

Mein Furher

Sieg Heil!!!!

I have no diamonds

Heil Hitler

Sheckels?? Never heard of them

i swear I did nothing wrong

Rollin' for the Reich


Just a non-jew passing by.


I aint a jew


im not a jew officer

Can I go?

On the last train to Auschwitz,
The capos meet you at the station.
You’re here because you’re dirty,
It’s a hellish destination,
That’s ash not snow, oh, no, no, no!
Oh, no, no, no!

Here you go officer

You can go to the oven you filthy jew!

Shalom Goyim, have you seen my shekels?

Just passing through, and I assure you I'm not a jew.

seems legit.

shut up bitch

Oi im no juden


I am not a jew officer. Why would I be?

> bribes in shekels

y u do dis




shek- I mean hello!

Oh no

only singles here

i'm not a jew i can prove it

Oy ve- I mean, Heil Hitler


How can an alien be a jew?


Nothing kosher here officer.


I'm Mr. Berg and own a local store, totally not a jew


What do you mean my nose is large? Are you implying I'm a filthy hook nose jew!? How dare you!



oy vey


check my quads lads

heil fuhrer


Hands up, don't shoot.

Heil Mein furher

Rolling for quads

Hoyle her halder


"Sorry sir, uhm.. Hield Himmler?"

morreu viad kkkkkkkk


filthy jews


I have nothing to hide


kike my shit up fam

I'm of pure aryan descent,officer.

Just taking a stroll.

Nope, not here Herr Obergefreiter.


Suck my big hairy Jew dick


Oi vey!

Nothing going on here


uncut fag here


oy vey


I hid my gold already

Hallo sein Führer, Ich bin kein Juden

I swear I'm no jew


Hail The Leader

Trips pls

I'm a jew in disguise

Check meine singles

I want the gas chamber just send me there

Menwhile in Germania

Filthy Jew. In the concentration camp with.

no jews here

Fuck off Nazi prick


Lmao. Rolling.

Loyal nazi here

No jooz here Mr Nazi Man

Jews? How terrible!

Rolling for trips


Death to the Nazi's! Death to Hitler!