Reminder that the "Mighty" English "Empire" was toppled by a bunch of
Reminder that the "Mighty" English "Empire" was toppled by a bunch of
yes we know our tiny little island used to own the entire globe
really makes you think...
And a few blacksmiths
And France.
Oh how the mighty have fallen
You mean a bunch of rebel farmer beat a bunch of loyalist farmers
Revisionist history
Sucking at tournaments since 1776
Yeah, the "mighty" empire...
>This flag
>This post
Reminder that the "mighty" american "empire" is gonna be toppled by me and my wetback friends
underrated OP
well done you cunt
That must be a typo.
You either wanted to say "oh shit German troops helped the rebels win" or "thank you for saving our asses in Waterloo 1815."
Not so fast, shitskin!
>Help an empire in numerous wars
>Get cucked by them when you try to make your own empire
>Implying that he can actually do anything to me
He'll stop more of you from coming, and eventually your kind will die out.
We're coming for you Juan
>Get fucked over and lose empire next round despite having the whole world backing them up
Your days are numbered, white boi
that makes it worse desu
Nah they used to be pretty based
Their time as based was coming to an end senpai
Napoleon was the last gasp of Frog military greatness.
M8, our biggest ally was France until USA USA USA stepped in.
But also Germany's pretty cool desu, also you missed out on the chance to point out that our royal family is German. Now that really is being cucked.
England's enemies are plumbers, farmers and dentists
lel can't make this stuff up
>But also Germany's pretty cool desu
I left this thread a few posts before and just now see your post. This statement basically means
>Britain admits defeat
gg wp
France passed from Godly (takes all Europe all alone on a regular basis) to Britain-tier (needs allies to win European wars, conquer only 3rd world shitholes...etc) after the Napoleonic Wars
Of course it seems like a huge downfall if you compare it to our god-tier previous history, but if you compare it to overall British military history for exemple, our modern military history just looks average rather than bad (unless you consider Britain's entire military history is bad)