Comments are still on. She stated she was going to make another video once we forgot about her.
She thought we forgot about her...
Comments are still on. She stated she was going to make another video once we forgot about her.
She thought we forgot about her...
Bump with rare spookies.
Really? Nobody?
Lol dude, just get a life. Stop trying to get a bunch of people to harass this person, ya dick. Mama would be proud
psh... nothing personnel .... kid
New here?
Does anyone know what her gender/sex shit is?
She has a vagina
Thanks, but I meant what she "identifies" as
Kill yourself
Awesome pepe m8
All I know is she was born female
Saved it off another user a while back
Um...yeah...no. She a "Bemused, antiquated goth-being".
Also a 30 something year old teenager.
Check your privilidge and these dubs, shitlord.
Remember to use adblock guys
> found the faggot whitenight
Whoah, she looks more scary WITHOUT her make-up on lol.
It raises a valid question. IS cyber goth killing the goth scene?
I for one welcome our cyber goth overlords.
What's the backstory on this chick and her tango with the Sup Forumsros?
WTF is "cyber-goth"? Goths who use computers? And isn't she "cyber-goth," by posting all this shit on youtube?
>it's featured in trans pride YouTube video.
>Internet finds her
>she made a video calling Sup Forums little dicked retards with no skills while reading threads
>deletes it 10 minutes later and goes silent on YouTube and FB for like 8 days
>thinks we're bored
>you are here
She's going to be lurking soon.
Interesting, thanks. I suspected "she" might be trans, as "she" has a very husky voice.
commit suicide
Why do people have to have their special little snowflake clubhouses/trends?
Stop trying so hard to be different, and try a little bit harder to be yourself, who gives a fuck about trends, and scenes, and whatthefuckingfuck
She's just an edgy dyke really.
If you guys want to be edgy and cut her deep here's some pro tips:
>had eating disorder
>former heroin addict
>self conscious about being old
>the fuck up of an otherwise successful family
>drinks too much
I want an hero.
goths who like neon colours
haha nice. so much ammunition.
She checks her p.o. Box often. Her little faggot fans send her shit all the time.
Anything you send her she WILL get.
ayy lmao
If theres any richfags here, send her a dragon dildo
No, she would probably like that. I'm richfag because I don't spend on stupid shit.
Just take a box and take a dump in it. Seal it good. Suprise when opened. No need for money.
This. I was thinking used condoms.
Pic related is her favorite bar.
Sending your DNA in a mail sounds like a good way to get backtraced. Amateur.
Just send a dead cat already