Should Hillary be sent to prison?
It looks like there is about to be an indictment.
I guess Bernie will actually win the democrat nomination.
Feel da Bern!
Should Hillary be sent to prison?
It looks like there is about to be an indictment.
I guess Bernie will actually win the democrat nomination.
Feel da Bern!
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once Hillary wins, say hello to mexico tier elections in the future
She wants to pass an EO removing the presidential term limits.
They will never prosecute her. She is just to well-connected, and simply cannot be touched.
As long as you can get to Canada before she closes the borders to trap us here, you're good
Bolwing place nearby just got burned to the ground. Refugees started the fire for shits and giggles but of course it was nowhere to be found in the news.
Will she fix this problem in the states?
FBI will recommend watered down charges
Islam is the religion of peace
Lynch is having a very difficult time with this, and may still not move forward with the case.
Section 1924 of Title 18 has to do with deletion and retention of classified documents. "Knowingly" removing or housing classified information at an "unauthorized location" is subject to a fine or a year in prison.
The she'll quietly pay the fine, using campaign donations of course. Or money from selling guns to terrorists.
She claims that the doesn't know about any classified documents being there.
>I guess Bernie will actually win the democrat nomination
Nope. The presidency is definitely hers. It was decided long ago.
haha like we want you cucks in our county
stay the fuck out swine
she is so well established she cant be brought down.
also her daughter is married to a superjew investment banker with a family history of investor fraud. a vote for hillary is a vote for military industrial complex. a vote for trump is a vote for a potato.
looks like ill pass on voting yet again
Have fun staying in the land of The Great Leader Hillary
Why not Johnson?
This cant be done by refugees. They come here to have peace and leave their war-torn countries. Not make ours look like one.
It doesn't matter anyway. Even if Micky Mouse won the vote count in reality, they would announce that Hillary won in a tight race, and she will be the next president. The actual vote counts don't matter because those in power have already decided that she is next.
Maybe you mean the Democratic party?
While it does look like there's gonna be a solid investigation, it might not be serious serious charges in the end. Kinda bs but a politician would have to literally call a hit or share state secrets with another country that affects serious national security in order to get that Acts of Treason charge. Some doubt that she shared sensitive info, if the secrets she shared reveals that that Illuminati shit is real would she then be tried harshly?
That and less than 20% of the electorate is willing to vote for the bright orange buffoon.
Nothing will happen. Lynch already met with Bill Clinton privately in Phoenix a couple days ago.
better a potato than a crook
I like Trump. He seems like he could end a lot of the problems america has. More importantly, if Trump wins, I think we can expect more politicians that reflect what the people want, as opposed to our candidates being chosen by one of the two parties. And neither party ever gets anything fucking done. America is gonna be great again.
Trump met with the Clinton's two weeks before declaring his run of the Presidency. His job is to distract enough stupid people to keep any serious opposition from beating Hillary.
So far, it's working!
People have complained for years that politicians don't have our interests at heart. Trump is a pretty smart guy, and IS NOT BOUGHT.
I've had this same thought since he announced he is running .
This user gets it
Now, now, user, I think you're telling porkies.
That fire had literally nothing to do with refugees whatsoever.
Frankly, that's incredibly lazy for an anti-refugee claim
Actually, Trump is a moron who has bankrupted every business he ever touched and just can't wait to bankrupt YOU.
How many of Scty Colin Powell's (yellowcake fraud, Iraq war, hundreds of thousands killed, including tens of thousands of US soldiers), or Scty Condi Rice's (Iraq war) emails even EXIST?
They both used private servers.
Where's the outrage?
If you feel strings, it may be that you are being manipulated.
I know: you're smart and shit. Just sayin.
If you dont know you arent allowed to drink and drive than is it legal? Hillery is a criminal. If i had classified clearence and was sending emails with sensative data im posative i would have been in prison with a 10 min trial for 22 consecutive life sentences.
If her emails details that fact, will both her and Trump be tried for conspiracy? Will there be another convention to determine who will run for democrats and republicans? The talks of conspiracy really worries me but I'm voting Trump anyways, not like changing my vote to Hillary is better, third parties sadly I got nothing from them.
GW Bush used a private email server, and I didn't hear any of you xenophobes crying then. Why suddenly now?
Also WTF is wrong with capcha?
This is true.
And Benghazi doesn't compare to Beirut, but there was no $7 million probe of Reagan's fuckups.
Puppetmasters rotfl at their faithful plebes
Why weren't Regan and Haig indicted for failing to defend the embassy in Beirut and getting 241 Americans killed? Bengazi is shit compared to that.
Help was sent to Beirut. Benghazi, nothing was done, other than watching shit go down via a live feed.
>Help was sent to Beirut
No it wasn't. It was kept secret until everyone ended up dead.
In this day and age information flies faster and more efficiently than Reagan's era. Hillary got off anyway since no proof that everyone knew everything that was gonna happen and failed to act fast enough somehow.
A trump victory would make the Brexit tailspin seem minor. Terrified businesses will flee the U.S.and leave the economy in ruins. Fortunately, it's highly unlikely.
Bu-bu-but muh GOP politics.
>She is just to well-connected
Political allies don't hang around when the majority of the public and a powerful legal system is against you. Well-connected people who dislike her have a chance to destroy her career through legal means, and even moderate Dems and Reps would be pissed if it was obvious she got off. Her allies would take what they could from her before distancing themselves. .
Yes. Because if a Rep becomes President, suddenly the USA is no longer the largest market in the entire world. No one will sell anything to us anymore.
Fuck off carl
But help was sent. The French were involved too faggot. You're political talking points are not working here.
Most likely those private servers were approved anons. Hillary used one that wasn't approved or inspected to work well, she was caught somehow wasn't she?
Optimal scenario: Trump candidacy leads to loss of do-nothing/block everything Republican legislative majority and the country can get back to work!
should hillary be sent to prison? hillary should be tortured to death
Obama had a super-majority, and still nothing got done..... why? He still blamed the republicans, but he had both the house and the senate and the white house......
Dumbest thing I've ever read. No matter who leads us, our money is still green.
French did jack shit and 58 French citizens died. Nobody sent help until after the bodies littered the landscape.
>Benghazi, nothing was done
hey dumbfuck the cia annex sent people.
stupid or trolling i can't tell which.
Supermajority passed health care reform. Best move EVA!
So ridiculous 8 f'n investigations. Way to take a shit ton of my money and burn it to fuck
Are you talking about the 1983 Beruit bombings? Totally different response. Regan immediately denounced it as a vicious terrorist attack. Hillary and obama did not. The bombing was a truck full of explosives that drove into a building. Benghazi was an 8 hour attack of a "random mob" who happened to be carrying RPGs and Mortar.
Ha! Says "both" and lists three things. Only dubs saves dumbass.
They were ordered to "stand down" and broke their orders and went on their own, because the state dept was not making a decision... These guys were special forces and were able to keep the death toll to only 4. Hillary and Obama did jack shit.
They didn't want the public to know that terrorists were attacking us, because HURR: election year.... "and ISIS on the run, and JV team". Obama's lies would have been brought to light, so he lied again and said that it was "a protest, due to a youtube video".
Faggotry all around from Hillary and Obama. Absolutely despicable.
Oh please, we just learned Chris Christie hid a private email account (or several) from the bridgegate investigation, and yet he's at the top of the Trump VP list. The only people that actually care about Hillary's email server are the trump idiots who are lapping up every bit of excrement that their man throws out.
Haig's orders: U.S. soldiers in Beirut weren't allowed to have any bullets in their weapons. Got everybody killed. His fault.
If you got your facts from that movie, they are far from accurate, and are right-wing bullshit.
That's not how it went down, and you know it.
Also, this story is old, and tired, and over.
He was forced to resign.
Trumpeters - playing Donald's butthole like a rusty trombone.
He literally never had more than 59 senators.
>he had both the house and the senate and the white house
>both the house, senate, and white house
>English is hard
Haig was forced to resign for trying to takeover the presidency when Reagan was shot. Had nothing to do with Beirut.
Sweet, you cucks haven't given up on your dream yet. That's the spirit :^)
Trump has over 500 businesses [
He has filed for bankruptcy 4 times [
(500 - 4) / 500 = 0.992 (99.2% success rate)
Yeah, what a moron.
You retards have been saying the same thing for years. "Hillary's going to be indicted!".
And yet... She's never been indicted. And she won't BE indicted.
Here are the current national polls. Hillary's ahead in every swing state. 1 national poll has trump ahead (Rasmussen, a conservative pollster).
>That guy on the bottom busting a fatass nut
>He literally never had more
>>English is hard
Failing just once, is still a failure.
Not likely....Obama will protect her
>While some legal experts said they believed that criminal indictments in the case were unlikely, the investigation continues to cast a shadow over Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Canada has no term limits....
Wrong - Trump has his name on over 500 businesses. He doesn't own them. The one's he runs all fail within a few years.
trump owns only 5 businesses, of which 4 completely failed.