
Gif/Webm Edition

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a lot of horny anime girls of your city 4changirlz.jimdo.com




That's pretty much all I got.

thanks for the dump

a lot of horny emo girls of your city 4changirlz.jimdo.com



I love this gif.
>let me just fan you this pussy right here


Welp its official "fluffy" is now the biggest folder on my phone. And to think i hated you guys just a few days ago...well not really i was just trying to deny myself.

All good user, we're here for enjoyment.

a lot of emo sluts of your city 4changirlz.jimdo.com

I remember when that happened to me. The filesize of my fur folder surpassing the porn folder is scary, but you quickly learn to accept it.

Apparently it's possible to have farts smell like honey nut Cheerios, if that's all you bother to eat for two days.
>public service announcement


I heard those are gluten free now. Good on you for being healthy.

>accept it
*not give a fuck about it

Bah, something's gone wrong if you can smell what you ate, that's never supposed to happen

Tfw you will never get to fuck/cuddle the pefect being that is krystal.

Literally the same shit you autismo


Eat some probiotics. You probably just need more bacteria to help you digest the stuff properly.


a lot of horny sluts of your city 4changirlz.jimdo.com


I would a horo.

And a Liru too.

Ever heard of lucid dreaming?

>Spoiler alert: Krystal makes you cum instantly



Or I need to not eat the same thing for four meals in a row

Not today user, but maybe our grandkids or children will, we must work to build a better future

Source on this Krystal game?

That looks way easier than a guy having a 4 some worth a girl, a mare, and a bitch.

It's not a game. It was just a challenge to the artist to make an animation that looks like a game based on a still picture

Unfortunately it was only an animation.

Imagine it's 2080

biotronics have become the new hit thing, mankind can now fuck whatever their minds imagine
What a future to believe in

Orgies always seemed like they could be so much fun for women. Even if they're excited and involved, they can have all the fun for little to none of the work. Kinda jealous


I already have high hopes for VR


You guys do know they are already working on chimeras right?

Tfw republicunts shoot down AI Biotronic marriage

God I hate republicans.




What sane person doesn't?



I don't think they'd care as long as it was male/female


Aah, well thanks anyways guys

Repubs>demos by miles though


Yep,that's pretty much how it is.



>pointless Us vs Them-isms
Everybody sucks


That sounds more like Resistance rather than furfaggy shit.









In this case it is an us vs them because either a demo or repub will win. Voting for an independent is like throwing your vote straight in the trash. Give it a few years though, people are starting to realize the parties are bullshit.




here's the full thing

>the parties are bullshit
>people are starting to realize
Nah, people have been saying that for over 200 years (at least in the US alone), and people still haven't realized. It's a long way off because animal instincts like herd/tribal mentalities and human stupidity make a terrible combination

I'm hoping the sexual revolution will expand to zoos.
All this sexual /gender equality crammed down our throats, we deserve it too.

I'm not saying *I* have all the good ideas or know how to fix things, just that everyone else is retarded for trying for the same things for thousands of years and wondering why it isn't working

i came to this

Why does nobody ever post Katia anymore?

bc katia unironically a shit




zonkpunch does lovely assholes.

a lot of horny emo girls wanna fuck in your city 4changirlz.jimdo.com

Because for the most part it was a single -faggin' douchewaffle anyway




I would seriously be pissed if a girl did that with me.

If you're giving me a bj, finish it. I'm blowing off with my cock down your throat. Not outside being finished with a hj.

That's fucked up.

>what am i going to do while i'm stuck like this?
Well, I can think of a few things

Also this, just seems like the dumbest fucking thing porn has ever convinced people is normal or right

I cringe when they cock-punch a cervix.
