Whats the most you have ever stolen? How did you get away with it? Why did you do it?

Whats the most you have ever stolen? How did you get away with it? Why did you do it?

i stole a disney princess yoyo in the middle of class i got away with it.

7 guitars (over 1g)
Didn't get away cus they found my prints
Plan was bullet proof if I wore fucking gloves

Stole over $250 from a credit card I found at work. Used it on steam.

i guess i should sya what i stole. £1200 worth of product this week. tomorrow i might be able to get £4000 worth of products.

How'd i get way with it? It's legit. using logistics timing and a bit of social proofing and engineering.
Why i did it. I'm fucking skint. hopefully i'll be able to fence this shit and start my own business.

I feel bad, but i gotta do what i gotta do.

$50. He was showing off his money. His backpack was under the table. Stupid guy. Managed to pull it towards me and open it. Took the whole wallet and pushed the backpack back. He notices and looks around for it. I act as though its none of my business and stay out of it. I get to keep it by going home and telling my mother I found it outside(the money not the wallet. I ditched that shit). I think I got the thieving tendency from my mother, because she tried to get the money from me saying it may have been hers(we had a dog she walked), or one of the neighbors. She just wanted to get it from me and then probably tell me she did the right thing. I knew better. I never let her get hold of it. I won! $50 and not a single suspicion! This was some time ago in middle school.

lol, your mum tried to rip you off brah

What products?

how they have your prints on file in the first place?

wait. if you used it on your account, why didnt steam shut down your account?

digital watches. go pro stuff

Assault on an officer, but it was a misunderstanding
However my prints stayed

It was a second account. I just gift games to my main. And when you buy something all the bank sees from the transaction is 'purchase from steam powered.c om' it's virtually untraceable. And steam doesn't care how I got the money. This was like 6 months ago so pretty sure I got away with it.

Now you are proper fucked. no stealing for you.

Back in the early 80's, before computers, I worked at a video store. Back the you had to pay to be a member. Lifetime memberships were $95, and Super-lifetime memberships were $149. I would just give them a membership card and pocket the money. Probably did about 50 times.

Yeah I'm still fighting this case. To all thieves, where fucking gloves on things over $500

No Ip tracing.. washing the transaction. good job.

Nice. Owners fault for not realising that there was more lifetime members then cash.I guess he must have been focusing on the dvd revolution... or put out of business by blockbusters.

might look a bit suspicious in the summer.. try liquid latex on the finger prints.

I also stole over £4000 worth of it stuff computers, laptops printers.I used to work in a bank and was in charge of inventory.. i was getting shafted on wage so i nicked this stuff oceans eleven style in front of everyone. i had help from the removals guy and another guy fenced it off.
Have to say pretty proud of my planning skills on that one.

There were 13 stores. They were still in business long after Blockbuster came around.

Thanks user. I then chopped up the card and put the bits into a bag of stale chips and threw it away. This was by far the worst thing I have ever done

was your justification low wages? or just becuase you could get away with it and coudl see dollar bills?



I had a problem with stealing things while growing up. Little things like books from the book fair at the school and like candy from stores and shit.

As I grew up I stopped doing but back in 07-10 I would take money from my step father when I was in between classes at college. We never mentioned or spoke about it but he knew.

Back in Feb he finally confronted me about it way after I stopped and we talked about. I always felt guilty and shit even while doing it. I've been slowly putting money aside to make up for the money I took so I can pay him it all back with interest. Hopefully it'll make me feel better.

yehai lifted cash from my dads wallet. I should have fucking earned the money.its god you are paying him back.

Never took money, but there was some sound equipment that had belonged to the former owners that just got locked up in a closet. So I decided to take it, after about five years. I just loaded it up, plain as day, walked past security with a "hello" and they never said anything.

Being brazen as hell seemed to work.

I was young and stupid and had a wife and 2 kids, trying to live off an asst mgrs pay at a local video store chain.

i stole a jelly baby from the woolworths pick'n'mix i still regret the descion

I run a small congregation. We tithe, and we do community outreach. Mostly, I preach a non-denominational happy-smiley version of Christianity, the sort that young people don't find too obnoxious.

I also own a private account, run out of Delaware. We decided to build a new church, and I sourced myself: overcharged by about 50k, and just kept the remainder. Hired the lowest-bidding contractors to get the job done. Did a surprisingly good job, but that's illegals for you: do it right or you'll get sent back.

God is generous.

A lot more than any of you faggots. I did get away with it, and I did it for the rush. I would elaborate, but it's too risky and could land me in prison for a long time. I have 7 years until the statute of limitations ends.

That is fucking genius. Congrats on your ingenuity. leave the congregation and get a new one incase things literally fall apart.


for fucks sake, what was the point of even commenting!

dont need to go into details.. .

>Old computer.
>Last lived 4+ years ago.
>Still own box, motherboard, processor and other guts.
>Hard drive needed destroying. (obvious reasons)
>I had every bit of software you could imagine.
>Toontown been one of the most expensive.
>Animation software I had no clue how to use.
>I had it all.
>Microsoft realised I wasn't genuine.
>System became a paper weight.
The good times are over Sup Forumsros.

I did it because it's satisfying to hint to someone about what I've done. You wouldn't believe the shit I pulled, and even I told anyone, they wouldn't believe me.

Me and a friend of mine used to go do "stupid shit" every Saturday night starting at midnight. Our biggest score was a purse with 500 dollars in it. I even got cocky once and stole a shitty Mailbu and crashed it into a power line like a block away. The only reason we got away is the fact we live in bumfuck nowhere

you needed to delete a certain kb update. register using a serial and then upgrade and profit.

in primary school I took a piece of lego from the school lego box that I liked at break and got away with it

just slipped it into my lil pocket, and played with it when I got home

k, thanks mate.

Well I was wet behind the ears and went for broke.
End of the day grand theft is naughty.
So I decided to clean up.

I stole your mum's virginity.


Give it back. Now!!!


your dad wasn't even double (nevermind single) digits in order

It's not genius, it's just plain old crooked. In fairness, we do a hell of a lot for people who can't help themselves. Before Obamacare rolled out, we were helping people get their teeth fixed, helping them get prenatal and everything.

To be honest, I've been hustling them almost from the beginning. I never believe a word of what I say, but I know if I tell them what they want to hear, they'll pay well for it. I've got this room upstairs, I lock myself away for an hour or so every evening, demanding one thing: to be left alone. It's the time I use to study the Bible.

Actually, it's the time I do a couple shots of Johnny Black and watch porn with headphones on. My wife thinks I'm godly.

I ought to be ashamed, but you have to be decent to feel shame.


Stole $7,000 from my grandfather. He died from a drug overdose 4 months later. Nobody knows to this day.

Worked at a Mcdonalds where we all stole hundreds of dollars a night


I'd find it a lot of effort to lead a double life like that.

You shoudl use your talents for bigger paydays

thats pretty shameful.. i'm sure he would have given you the cash. what did you spend it on?

Watch street theif on netflix

too risky.. dont they have cameras and inventory systems and shit?

I stole $7500 in cash from a drug dealer in my area. He left his house to go do something so I smashed a window and cut through the screen and stole all the cash from in-between his mattresses.

I stole like $400 from a kid I went to school with

The manager was in on it..when he would count the money in the office he woild put the take in a seperate envelope..it would not end up in the safe

Does he sell you drugs?

>street theif on netflix
thanks fam,, looks interesting.. will download.

>Green text


A ton of bonds on runescape, 1500$ of stuff on steam, 1000$ on league of legends, and a brand new gaming PC.
I feel no shame. He was a drug addict who killed my grandmother with a drug overdose.

And do what with it? I grew up with almost nothing. I remember when the best thing I had to look forward to was something cheap from Taco Bell, because that's all I could afford. I don't need a fortune; I need enough to make sure that, whatever else happens, I and my family will never have to go through that awful shit ever again.

The only reason I started was to get my family somewhere decent to live. One bedroom, for that many people? No. I wouldn't have it. So I got up and lied, and it worked, and it's been working for decades.

I can be fake for the rest of my life if it means genuine safety for my family. Greed gets caught, and I can't afford to get caught.

He's offered to me before, but I don't do any drugs. I can't afford to do any of the ones that aren't "fuck my life up forever" and still pay the bills. But I know a guy who knows a guy that's really close to the dealer, which really helped me with not spending 30 hours searching the house.

I entered a bar and went to the fridge for ice cream they had literally in the middle of the room. It was night and a lot of people were having dinner there with their kids, and usually kids just took the ice cream and then its price would go to their parents' bill. I was around 9 back then. I just opened the fridge, took a couple of ice creams and left.
Then like a little fag I felt bad about it and went back to pay for them. By leaving the money on the bar. Without telling anyone. So probably some asshole just took it and everyone got robbed that day. Except for the aforementioned asshole.

Very true. Never get greedy. Its a good reminder. Thanks Preacher.

Did you split the booty?

ok fair enough he was a bad man. Jsutififcation was missing from your previous comment.

you spent the money on shit ( apartf rom the pc) IMHO

This microphone, just because

I just stole a bike. I walk in like I own a bike and stole one that was already there

stealing is a crime and crime is for niggers

I did, but I didn't give it to them directly, they would have known who it belonged to, so I decided to just pay for him to get his car fixed up. $2000 well spent I'd say, now he has no excuse to keep sitting on welfare.

Not always, steal everything from your enemies, we do it in war all the time

Nice to see he's not the only retard in your family.

being brazen has its advantages

except that of course

white collar crime?


why the fuck couldn't you steal something worth taking

Hey DE fag here aswell

When I was in kindergarden, I stole a hotwheels truck. I had the same one at home except mine was yellow. Then I lied and told my mom we painted our toys at school.

Fast forward 20 years
I steal a shit load of bras, panties, anything, etc, from this rich hot lady with breast implant's house every time we watch her dogs. I threw them all away, but next time we watch them, I'm going to take more. I'd just take one or two things each time we visited and I had a huge collection.

I think that's all I've stolen in my life

My business is in Delaware.

I'm not.

>Be me
>Not a nigger
>Haven't steal a thing in my life

Old navy dog mannequin