>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
anyone here managed to quit smoking?
>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
anyone here managed to quit smoking?
>smoking 75 cigarettes a day
How can you still breathe after one day?
God, this thread again.
Yep smoked for 25 years, jumped on the vape train 3 years ago and never looked back.
Why are you the only one who noticed?
OP why do you keep posting the same thread over and over again. You fucking faggot
I'm probably the only person who noticed and bothered replying
Because no one else sees the point in posting the same thing in the same thread everyday.
Because you're a cuck
Been smoking since i was 14, 26 now. I managed to quit for 7 weeks, but just started again last week while having a beer with the buddies. I instantly feel the difference it makes, wish i didnt restart this crap again.