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Touch me orsini
First for Joon
First for Fataerys
stannisbros report in
nth for being in love with Darkstar
/got/ general or r/asoiaf general?
next thread copy paste thing
reminder that ToJ reveal isn't until next week and today is just epicc dual wielding/spinning
Daily reminder that Khaleesi will win the Game of Thrones
What did Ian McShane leak? Something important?
>Previous Thread
>Episode in: 8 hours
>Episode 3 Spoiler and News
>Next Episode preview
>>next thread easy copy paste:
>>/got/ format:
Kill yourself autist
why are you posting these retarded weeks old links?
It's always been more asoiaf than got
>making threads 20 posts early
>asking people to migrate 10 posts later when 300 isn't the bump limit
Fucking autistic newfags
Mcshane is pretty based. literally confirmed CLEGANEBOWL
>300 isn't the bump limit
>It's hot
>my feet hurt
>who is this faggot
>lyanna grabbing my arm to hard
>I wish i was back in the vale hanging with robert
>Fuck this silver faggot looking at
Rickon will be Ramsay's gift. This will ultimately be what drives Jon back to Winterfell and setting up Bastardbowl. I don't think Rickon will survive the season. If we're lucky, the Umbers are playing a trick on Ramsay and give him someone that's not Rickon. e: I'm not entirely sold on Rickon being the gift. I think it's possible that it'll be someone the Umbers say is Rickon, but actually isn't. They might trick us by not showing "Rickon" until the last moment.
300 is the bump limit on Sup Forums but its still totally retarded
the previous thread will stay on the board up to 400 posts, theres no need to race to a new thread
inb4 some moran spergs out over this is how they do it in their special place
Her overall body seems okay here, but what the fuck is going on with those arms
It isn't idiot. Pay attention to board changes you dumb fuck.
does that mean cleganebowl isn't actually happening this season but the next one and they are just revealing it this season?
>>I wish i was back in the vale hanging with robert
that guy IS Robert
Jon's resurrection will be a big deal. Davos will be the first to discover it, and Jon's first act will be to put on pants. This isn't much of a prediction but Mel will either be completely restored in her faith, or she'll think that Jon's resurrection is a sign that she needs to change her ways. Either way, I think she'll believe that Jon is Azor Ahai and that she was led to follow Stannis in order to meet Jon. I think we're likely to see Jon leave the Night's Watch. If Mel is back to her old ways, she'll try to convince Jon to burn the traitors.
It's 310 on Sup Forums
this is my fetish, thank you
stop trying to make me fap user
The bump limit is 310
Actually I'm a Davos and Jorah fag. Dany sucks though.
Retard. It is fucking Rickon this level of denial is funny D&D are shit who rely on shock and the Umbers are traitorous cunts how long will it take you to realize this?
you know whose fault this is, right?
>300 is the bump limit on Sup Forums but its still totally retarded
No it fucking isn't newfag.
It's 310, and it's been 310 for fucking months
>300 is the bump limit on Sup Forums
Never, ever fucking post again. You attempted to correct someone without bothering to make sure you were actually correct, the number one problem on the internet. Call your ISP immediately and cancel your service.
Vhy vould she think Jon is azor ahai?
>dat gutsuck
anybody got her tricep routine?
I think the wildlings will essentially pledge themselves to Jon and form a basis of his army. I don't think Jon will start to plan to retake Winterfell until the next episode. I think Ramsay will send a raven to Castle Black essentially telling Jon to give back Sansa and Reek in exchange for Rickon.
So help me list the greatest knights in westeros
Ser Chaosh of the House Isaladdah
Ser Iamtha of the House Stormbrotha
Ser Butyun of the House Eedabadpoozy
Ser Nahj of the House Whitannz
Ser Brekh of the House Dueel
check the previous thread and note the italicized post count at the bottom indicating it has reached the bump limit at 300
you could try posting in it, if you want, and see for yourself
please don't be rude to others when you don't have all the facts
it's the tard from few weeks ago who wants to force his useless shit link format.
no one gave a shit back then so he tries it again.
OMG THANK YOU OP no one could figure out when the episode is airing without your valuable format! It's not like there's a thing like "internet" or anything.
What was the maester thinking at this moment?
She saw Jon fighting at Winterfell in her flames
I think it's about time we heard from LittleFinger. He's ambitious and is not going to let control of the North be decided without his influence.
So? How does that = Savior of mankind
>This motherfucker
>Yea, be rude to me buddy, I swear to god, im telling everybody
Get reddit'd NERDS!
Why did they had to die, anons? Whyyyyy?
The previous thread is at its bump limit because it past 310 you dumb motherfucker, the bump limit Sup Forums has had for months.
Since you're so fucking stupid I guess we'll have to wait for this one to hit 300.
Ser Twenty of House Goodmen obviously
Links are good. Not everyone is in /got/ all day
Enjoy your ban
Can we just wait for tonight episode before we start denying theories? Even through I know D&D are hacks who can't write a storywith a good twist.
Ser Davos is gonna be hugely important to Jon, even more important than mellisandre I reckon. He's gonna need to lead an army against ramsay/others and has not experience commanding armies. Davos will be needed to give instructions and be a general.
>characters on the show
they just do random shit for no reason.
>>next thread easy copy paste:
>>/got/ format:
Fuck off, /vg/
Does anyone feel the show has become a less entertaining version of this kind of movie?
It's a bastardized version of a historical period when the real version was probably more interesting and dramatic but we'll never to experience that version of events and all we have is this trash.
So Davos still doesn't know that Shireen was burned as a sacrifice right? I wonder if they will just forget that happened and have no one reveal it to him.
It's Rickon, Winterfell will go to Sansa and her new husband, Littlefinger, by the end of the season
Jon even says in the books, the Umbers will be livid if Stannis brought the Wildlings south of the Wall to invade Winterfell
But that's exactly what Jon did in the show, and it pissed the Umbers off to the point where they gave Rickon to Ramsay to eradicate the male Stark line and bow to their new Bolton Lords
Based Dornishman already confirmed it.
I JUST SPEND 12 HOURS GETTING THAT FAT BITCH THROUGH LABOR, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH SNATCH STINK I HAD TO ENDURE? AND YOU'RE JUST GONNA KILL HER? "HURR DURR IM LORD BOLTON NOW, IM A BIG BOY NOW WITH MY BIG BOY PANTS" you little cunt, I had to stand through all that filt with her wet greasy cunt, what was your father even feeding her? you know what, I dont want to know. FUCK OFF M8
wahts the last one
are showfags even going to care when R+L = J is revealed?
>who is Rhaegar again?
>tfw boofagots can't spoil anymore
>tfw show spoils next book for bookfagots
feels good man
get reddit'd!
>I can't wait to get back to my study and spam Spectre for free MMR
Try these
whos rheagar and where have the sandsnakes been??? they are so sassy lol :P
Melly: R'hllor hungers! Lord of Light, accept this sacrifice!
Olly: [threatens to everyone as they're bringing him to the pyre.]
Melly: The more you resist, the more is He satisfied. Your pain hasn't even begun yet.
Olly: Fuck you! *looks at Jon* You will not hear me scream!
Jon: I will.
[Olly burns at the stake]
[he screams like a pig before slaughter]
Tormund: End his pain. *gives him a crossbow*
Jon: No. *looks right at Olly as he burns*
Melly: You are learning fast, Lord Commander.
Jon: name is...Jon.
>My lord is insane
>Katstarkfucking shits are okay with this
>I wish I was back at the cithedal
>can't believe I became a master for this shit
>next book
>thinking it'll be finished
>Links are good. Not everyone is in /got/ all day
I assure you that, as retarded as people are sometime, every single person in /got/ is able to find the time of the episode, and the preview of the next episode.
And then there's some 3 weeks old article?!? on something that YOU ( or THE OP ) finds interesting. I'm sure many people in /got/ finds other articles more interesting, and more recent ones as well.
Everyone who wants to read articles on WotW already read the 3 weeks old ones.
it doesn't. Melly doesn't know what the fuck she's doing really.
Azor Ahai is probably Danaerys.
Can we have a Telegram/Skype group?
not that user, but that shit was new to me.
Getting another mans name tatted on your tits.
Olly did nothing wrong
Why are all of these houses going to throw their support behind Jon when he's a bastard?
>Roose is no longer loose, but my bowels are
You're so cool dude.
extremely dissapointed that howland reed just kill dayne with a backstab i was expecting some king of magic because all the veil of mystery that surrounds reed and the mrash people , to kill the best swordman on that timeframe with just a backstab is fking cheap please be different in the books
>They were right. I should have studied STEM chains instead
>Was Roose always that stupid?
What the fuck is wrong with her arms? How can she be so obese and get to be the fucking khaleesi. Fuck my life. This fat hag can't even go tot he gym.
you don't speak behalf of /got/ newfag.
I'm all for keeping /got/ through this season
They're going to support Sansa
to appease bestMyrcella
I'm not the OP btw. I do think it's handy to have some decent links in one place though.
Maybe Kit's interview with EW would be a better link, or the behind the scenes, those are interesting. It depends what people want tbqh
Break the Wheel
I don't know the second to last one.
Because the rules went out the window when the Freys, Boltons, and Lannisters killed Robb Stark when he was under guest rights?
I found it interesting, what you gonna do now autist?
fuck off
I've seen this image 575 times in the last 2 days. It's all redditors posting it. You can tell by the fact thier reaction folders are empty.
>dat file name.
Not a bad game. Went to school with the guy who wrote it.
And now it biggens
>post yfw this happens when khaloreesi tries to ride her dragon