It's a "guest makes an interesting remark and Joe postures philosophically about how said view reflects upon...

>it's a "guest makes an interesting remark and Joe postures philosophically about how said view reflects upon contemporary society" episode

I can't stand listening to stoners sit around a table babbling. Pseudo-intellectual nonsense.

This is why he comes to Sup Forums for all his intellectual needs.

Not tv related.

Reported :)

>It's a "all of the guests repeat the same sentiment ad nauseum" episode

>guest makes an interesting remark

The guest are allowed to talk?

What celebrities could beat up Joe?

>It's a "lol vegans are dumb" episode


>its an "im peddling pseudoscience with a mentally ill person" episode

>its a sky is blue episode

>it's a "Joe stops the person who is talking in order to say he disagrees, then goes on for 20 minutes about why he disagrees before letting the other person make their argument which nullifies the entire 20 minute rant immediately" episode

I can't listen to the podcast anymore because it's too long. I have to listen to him rant for 20 minutes about a topic, then the other person will finish their argument which usually includes a factoid that refutes everything Joe was just ranting on with no evidence or basis in reality. It's so goddamn annoying.

how come joe rogban likes to seek out bullshit but actively promoted that nootropic garbage?

This never happened.

>it's crazy maaaan
>weed less dangerous tobacco
>flying spaghetti monster

Happens all the time.
The one example I can remember off the top of my head is in one of the Stefan Molyneux episodes. Stefan starts talking about feminism and how it ignores the rape of men. Joe starts talking for literally over 20 minutes about how it's bullshit and how men barely get raped compared to women so it's a complete non issue and so on, then when Stefan can finally talk he just points out immediately men get raped more than women, which is the one point he was about to make before Joe's stupid rant.

He does it all the time. In the Gavin McInnes episode and in the Steve O episode, he'll interrupt with 20 minute assumptions and disagreements about what they're talking about, just for the other person to explain what they were trying to say in a sentence, rendering the entire rant purposeless.

Joe just loves to hear himself speak and it gets on my nerves.

Or in the Louis Theroux episode where an hour of it is just him going on about MMA where Louis obviously doesn't care, then the rest is just him asking questions about the hunting special instead of any of the other interesting ones, because he likes hunting and wants to defend it.

He's so goddamn annoying.



joe has been factually wrong on his podcast many times, and sometimes it has been pointed out by the guest. far from never.

>its a joe and guests misinterpret survivorship bias for their philosphies of success episode

Haha yeah, I noticed the MMA thing with Theroux too. Just really felt like Rogan should have known Louis doesn't give a fuck.

>back-to-back episodes with contradicting political statements

Doesn't take much to amuse you, eh?

>it's a "Joe goes on for 45 minutes about how much he hates political labels of left and right instead of actually talking about issues" episode

I'm pretty sure his only political belief is that he doesn't like labels for some reason.

Joe's opinion on modern art reveals him as the pseudo-intellectual he is. still a pretty cool guy overall

>this damage control
Don't be so upset you got BTFO

I had to stop watching the show because all he cares about is MMA and hunting, and when his guest brings up something else, he always interrupts and gives his worthless opinion for several years before letting the other guy talk.

>It's an it's ok when my friends steal jokes episode

You've got quite the imagination. Creating scenarios where I'm emotionally traumatized by uncreative insults on a message board.

I can tell you are literally trembling from the emotional pain you feel from getting blown so far the fuck out. I can practically hear the tears hitting the keyboard as you pound away, desperately responding in an attempt to show everyone how not-mad and unimpressed you are.

>attempt to show everyone how not-mad and unimpressed you are
I think all people have to do is look back to your original "LOL REKT" post, then it quickly becomes apparent who the calm one is.

That wasn't me buddy, I just enjoy seeing how definitely not-mad you are. I love seeing you try so hard to be nonchalant about getting BTFO.

Get a room, faggots.

Glad to help. Good luck with your mental illness.

>lashing out
I know you're mad but you're meant to keep hiding it user, you're ruining the fun

Holy fuck. I think I got collateral damage from that.

>ruining the fun
Please don't let me ruin your day. I don't need that on my conscience.

sure is same faggy in here

I've been watching that Louis Theroux interview, Joe Rogan has spent more time talking about MMA than asking Louis questions.

The whole show just seems like a way to strok Joe's ego.

Definitely not mad at all kek. The poster count has risen with each of those posts genius.

>amusement is peaking

>he wears pride shirts all the time

I know its a fighting league or something but it doesn't help the whole "rogan is in the closet" thing

Wearing fight shirts is an indication of secretly wanting to suck cock? Should he just wear a blank Hanes t-shirt?

>It's a "Joe interrupts his guest to do a Joey Diaz impression and it goes on uncomfortably long" episode

fuck off Joe, you big hairy ape

>It's a Jamie interrupts a fun jokey exchange with random MMA news, which sets Joe off on a 30 minutes steamrolling rant about fighting episode.

he needs to learn how to edit himself. these rambling episodes go on for about an hour too long. so many bullshit comments and questions. so much time spent on topics no one gives a fuck about.

LUL, correcting for confirmation bias and survivorship bias would eliminate 100% of his "content"

Its a shirt that says PRIDE in giant letters

As though joe is subconsciously trying to communicate what he cant bring himself to say

he might be tolerable if he didnt swear like a teenagre who just discovered swear words for the first time, in every sentence. his thoughts might not seem so much like the ramblings of a stoner then.

Why does this bother you though. I don't get it.


he is subconsciously trying to communicate what he cant bring himself to say

It sucks that he dropped the flashlight as a sponsor. That was JRE jumping the shark since it made the guests feel a bit more comfortable to express their views quickly.

I guess Joe feeling cockier due to the podcast's success accelerated the podcast's decline.

The fleshlight shtick was getting old.
It didn't add enough entertainment to podcast to justify it scaring off certain guests and sponsors.
Besides, he claims the fleshlight dropped him. Not the other way around.

/r/ rogan pasta

I listened to all the Bill Burr episodes of JRE and they talked about the exact same things in all the episodes. They need to get a grip and not be "out of it"s