I hate the summer Sup Forums I hate it cause I see couples enjoying themselves out in public...

I hate the summer Sup Forums I hate it cause I see couples enjoying themselves out in public. I see it in my Facebook feed. They are going out to parks, beaches, restaurants, etc. I'm 26 never had a gf not even kissed a girl. I use to be sad but now I'm just angry. The thing is I'm very picky. Their has been girls who showed in interest to me but I didn't. I'm looking for a girl that is perfect for me and won't accept anything else. I have to much pride to lower my standards. I can't change this and I don't know why. I don't know why I'm this stubborn. Can someone free me from this fate?

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Women are shit, be wizard like me

girls are dumb. become a wizard

>Wizard here
Grow the fuck up you little Piece of shit

Women are for manbabbies who need a "mommy"

>I can't change this and I don't know why

You can and you know that's true. But you're too much a faggot and a beta and you prefer to tell yourself that you were born like that and that there's no escape.

Man up fucking queer

Most people date in their same league. Those that date up or down usually have something to offer which is why you see old people and ugly people with a lot of money with hot young girls. So you better be perfect yourself or have something to offer. Really isn't that hard to find someone. Or you might be a closet fag running from your feelings and no girl cuts it for you because you secretly want a man.

I have a gf and i never go to beaches parks and restaurants. She cooks and cleans we eat together,i spend all my time at work or in the garage. Having a gf is overrated man. Find out what your other passions are and invest in that. Big chance a girl wil come in your life then

You don't seem to understand correctly. Women are used to prove others men that you're superior to them. But you MUST get women, or you'll be considered as a faggot and a beta.

First step is to get off Facebook. If your news feed upsets you that badly, then remove it.

Secondly, Go outside and do something. Go for a walk, go fishing, whatever the fuck you want.

Thirdly, accept faults. You have to. Currently, you're at a 26 year slump. My fiance has faults, I have faults. But we accepts our faults and move on. Look for the faults in yourself and understand that literally everyone has them.

So to review:

>get off social media
>go outside
>realize that literally everyone has faults, so who the fuck cares

you should just kill people.

And you are even more Beta and faggot if you follow the rules and standarts of others

Follow your own path, not the one other want you to go

Nah, women are shit and men are shitty and faggoty too. If I wanted to prove something id just shoot a faggot.


I know that feel user.

I'm not a kissless virgin, but it's been a while. I actually may have a girl interested, but she has some mental health issues and so is in a delicate state at the moment. So I can't even try and go date in case she gets better and wants to be with me.

I wish I knew either way. But I fucking hate seeing other couples. Stabs me in the heart.

Dude, you're almost like me, just that I'm turning 25 in two weeks and I've kissed a girl. I've turned down sex (they didn't ask, just actions were leading to sex) a few times even though I'm a virgin (maybe my wizard spells are too strong). Maybe you stay in home too much? (That is my main problem, I guess) Whenever I go out, I attract women, if I kept going out a lot more, I'd definitely find someone, maybe you should too?

There are no "rules", only "standards". If you don't conform to these standards, you won't be accepted by your peers and loved. Thus, you won't be able to get any female. That's how it works, we're just animals.

If you don't follow these standards, you will be "free" yeah...free from them. Not from your pathetic life.

If you want examples of standards, I can even give you some. Though, they depend of your socio-professional area :

- Take care of yourself
- Being fit, do sport
- Being well-clothed
- Reading books
- Being "social" : I mean, knowing how to talk with everybody even if you hate them. Being friendly, while staying an alpha

Society is just about lying, get with it. In this society, you are a winner or a loser, there's no escape - except death.

Log off the internet and face the fact that you wont have that girl you've been obsessing over on Sup Forums threads for years or anything of that caliber. Crying on the computer certainly wont get you their and most certainly neither will Sup Forums. You lose buddy. If you want to stand a real chance, log off Sup Forums forever, give up anime and cut back on your "nerdism" that you failed to let go of 10 years ago and get a decent paying job. Learn how to communicate with people and get a mentor.

I'm out.

>Nah, women are shit

You seem a little bit upset. Angry about women ? Yeah, they're stupid and superficial bitches, the fun part is to beat them at their own game.

>men are shitty and faggoty too
Hang out with others alphas, not losers.

> If I wanted to prove something id just shoot a faggot.

I don't even understand what you're trying to say. How could social success and popularity could be compared to the murder of some faggot ?

You might just admit that you're a loser and don't even want to change. You can't beat the Game, and you just lost it.

Just throw orange juice on any couple that upsets you, it worked for me.

Posted from Heaven

Implyed so much
But ok bye Felicia

Nah man, death is no escape because people will be like
>"You know the weird guy who hanged himself last week? Yeah, turns out he watched cartoon porn and that he was a Virgin"-" ew, what a creep'

Playing someone elses game by definition you already lose, moron.

All men are shit

Who cares what they think, no man, no problem.

That's true. As said, you are a winner or a loser. Better become a winner, no ?

>I'm looking for a girl that is perfect for me and won't accept anything else.

this is why you're alone. throw away your pre-conceived notions of "the perfect girl for you" and just meet people. make a friend and find one you can trust to have your back that you can also fuck.

>I have to much pride to lower my standards.

just by the way you think, a girl would have to lower her standards to date you. you should be grateful for any attention that comes your way, loser.

Why the fuck don't you try to find someone in your league because I'm sure you aren't as great as you think you are. Or you can go back to /r9k/and be a basement dwelling faggot at moms house for the rest of your life.

Just be alpha like MILFanon, faggot.

>tfw you realize your leagues below the girls you're attracted to

KYS you fucking faggot. That or settle for the 3/10 you're destined to be with.

>throw away your pre-conceived notions of "the perfect girl for you" and just meet people.

meaning get to know girls on a one on one level. no assumptions. a clean slate just getting to know people in a practical down to earth way. otherwise you will always be alone. I guarantee it.

Nah man, winners have responsibilities and shit

I'd rather stay shit until one day I can get my shit together to become beeing shit at beeing shit

But I don't wanna be a winner

well move to England we don't have summer here just rain and more rain


>Playing someone elses game by definition you already lose, moron.

It's not the game of someone's else. It is your game, it's mine. The game is written in your genes, it is written in the brain of every animal on this earth and in the brain of every human you will meet. But they don't know that. We're monkeys wrapped in suits, begging for the approval of others. You're just denying the fact that you're like others ; but because you're a loser, at the bottom of the social pyramid, you tell yourself that it's not what you want, not what you're destined to.

Men aren't shit. They may be clones, and most guys I know are empty and their lives are pointless. But you're saying that because you're feeling that they're all superior to you. First, you'll have to accept that, and then, if you're not a total beta, you will want to change that.

>Who cares what they think, no man, no problem.

No man ? Right now, are you living in some mountains of Alaska, hunting and fishing your food without any help from the outside ? Nope. You're whining on Sup Forums. One more time, you're lying to yourself : you care about what they think, you're just trying to convince yourself that you don't care.

Both of these are facts OP. Everyone has faults. Be a human and fucking accept this reality. Or gtfo.

>I'm looking for a girl that is perfect for me and won't accept anything else.

>Such a person does not exist, everybody compromises, only person you can count on being perfect for you is you, enjoy your self created forever alone.

At this point this is your choice. You may be aware about the social hierarchy and still choose to be considered as a lower class. If you're happy with that, there's really no problem. You just have to ask yourself : "Am I REALLY happy ? Can I live 50 another years like that ?"

I think about moving to England from time to time. I've heard a few opinions etc etc but what do you think about sandnigger problem in England and does a lot of rain make you depressed (don't know if you can compare it to anything) ? What do you think about foreigners (eg lithuanians)?

P.S. not OP kek

just wanted to check the picture, now i can leave again gl OP

You seem to be stuck in your own little world of "Winner" "Loser"
Are you a "Winner", buddy?
What happens if your "Losers" shoot one of your precious "Winners". Does the "Loser" become a "Winner" instantly or is your world turned upside down?

>stop masturbating for a week
>standards will fall
>"free of this fate"

I know I Sound stubborn

But in my opinion only you can make yourself happy by finding it

I found it for me a long time ago

There are people who are happy by dooing Art, or by helping others

And there are some who don't know how to help themselves and follow others paths of happiness like mindls sheeps--these are the ones i look down to and I pity them


Being a winner isn't a status, it's a state. Better : an evolution. So yeah, I'm a winner, and I'll do what I have to do to keep this state and going even higher on the social ladder.

You still don't understand. You can't really kill me. Because I am the Society. You can take a gun, you can shoot me in the head, and what will happen ? You'll get shot by the police or get executed in jail. In the end, the Society always wins.

I'm 20, married and have a kid on the way. Stop fucking bitching, it's much better to just enjoy your personal space, privacy, and money. It's not as great on the other side of things.

Op if you are still around in this thread. But what I think will happen is that one day you meet a girl. And you are going to click so hard with her, that you won't even think twice about your standards. And you're going to enjoy the rest of your life with her.

You're gonna be surprised and 20 years are going to pass and you will sit back and enjoy it all.

I greatly respect those who are really happy with their lives. Like you, I despise the sheeps. As you see, we share the same point of view. The difference is that you take pleasure in some passion. I'd do the same if I had one.

You're not society, moron. You're a balding cunt whos trying to validate his self worth for fucking 4/10 whores to a guy who doesnt care about whores at all.
You're whole doctrine is epitome of irony.

>10 million years
>Humanity extinct
Where society be do now?

I don't like summer because it's so hot. But at least it's dry.

Don't let it worry you. Take a girl to dinner and a movie anyway. If they ask you to church go with them. When it gets weird, dump them.

Google, buy, download, and study "The Tao of Badass"

Worked for me in college

We are more equal than we thought
I also can't find any passion in anything since watching gintama

I hope so

Are you saying that OP doesn't care about "whores" ? He's fucking jealous. Or are you talking about yourself and you're not OP ? Then, you're lying to yourself because it's written in your biological pattern. I'm sorry to see that you're so deep in denying that you can't even have a critical view on yourself. In fact, even if you wouldn't care about women, you would still be a social loser : the world doesn't care about what you think, it only cares about how it sees you.

The fact is that I don't fuck 4/10 sluts. Everytime, I ask myself : "Would paying attention to this girl higher my social status or lower it ?". Women are the perfect tool of a materialist and hedonist society. In both ways, they can help you : if they're socially lower than you, they give you power by loving you without you loving them, and if they're socially higher, you'll gain power by dominating her - I mean, by being her "boyfriend".

>10 million years
>Humanity extinct
Where are you now ?

Shit's happening right now. Not in 10 million years. At this time, even the dust of our bones won't exist anymore. Glory isn't eternal.