Hey Sup Forumsros, so... my ex (which who I haven't spoken for 2 years now) has started liking my pics on Facebook...

Hey Sup Forumsros, so... my ex (which who I haven't spoken for 2 years now) has started liking my pics on Facebook. This was 2 months ago, so two weeks after that I texted her. She didn't even respond to me, but she keeps liking my pics. What the fuck does this mean? Is she playing with me or what?

Pic unrelated.

she's an ex, why haven't you blocked her?

Yes, she is. Don't give in.

Still wanna fuck her.

u thirsty bruh

It's been two years of not fucking.

u wanna fuck ur ex u thirsty

Ask her if she wants the dick, if she says no call her out for being a lesbo. Real shit though fuck that hoe, move on to another one.

saying a gurls a lesbo 4 not wanting ur teenie weenie u thirsty bro

need some of this, bruh?