Ronaldo or Messi?
Ronaldo or Messi?
the goat
Messi is an autist who managed to be insanely good at football and play in one of the richest and best clubs in the world. He's very down to earth and doesn't let fame get to his head. He just wants to be the best and make his club/country proud.
Ronaldo is an arrogant asshole who is good at the game and is very passionate about the game, though he is a fucking cunt personality wise. He's butthurt that Messi is better than him, and he knows it, so he tries to prove to the world that he is the better player. He's obsessed with him and it shows.
messi, not even a question
Nice fanfiction you got there
The one that didn't leave his son without a mother by design
Bale, once he wins the euro with Wales
fucking this
Bale > Suarez > Messi > Neymar > Ronaldo
Lads I love Ron but he's not even top 5 these days. It's sad to see
Here's a video to cheer you all up
>tfw going to the game on Wednesday
it's going to be glorious. Cymru am byth.
Zaza should seriously consider suicide, it's getting worse and worse every day.
messi is maradona tier while ronaldo is like some poacher we never heard about from the 70s
gay twat
messi :)))))
I'd rather have 1 Messi than two Ronaldo's.
But is true.
>muh ad hominem
Fucking gertrash would post troll stats. Get cucked kraut
In all Seriousness though, without a Doubt Messi.
you know the answer
it's true, tho
It's true and you know it. He's a fucking diva.
No, Messi is not autistic
The only people who call him an autist are legit autists in this website
he's clearly on the spectrum
you dont have to be assburgers or chrischan to be autistic
Donald on suicide watch.
Messi by a mile.
He doesn't bring any dank content on this board, Penaldo is literally a living breathing meme and I love him for that.
So I pick Penaldo.
And people have the cheek to say Maradona was better.
Really makes you think.
he looks like fucking Johnny Bravo
now you realise that Messi plays as 9 and Ronaldo plays as 7.
>He's not autistic
Have you ever seen him talk in public and gestures and acts and so on?
He's blatantly got some type of assbergers. Just not the ones associated with intellectual brilliance but the ones associated with retardation.