What's your opinion of Ebonics?

What's your opinion of Ebonics?

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Are you seriously axing that question?

hilarious, but they serve no purpose.

It's for niggers

it's funny and fun to make fun of

Pretty good indicator as to whether you're dealing with a black guy or a nigger if all visual aids are not helping.

Completely retarded. A cultural step backwards.


Completely agree.

Not good in a professional setting

It's painful to listen to. Listening to the English language being butchered, more than it already is, kills me.


nigga please. Read a book by Shakespear. You prefer we talk like that?

English (as all language) is constantly changing. How people talked 20 years ago was different than today and 20 years before that and so on

Quit being a nostalgic asshole

not a real thing?

Lamenting the loss of knowledge isn't being a nostalgic asshole. The way we speak determines the way we think. This is a serious issue.

I never said there was anything wrong with the language evolving. But when I hear some stupid, white trash, hillbilly fuck try blather on aimlessly, it's difficult not to want to smash my skull in with a blunt instrument. The same goes for niggers.

Fucking thank you.

My dad thinks we should put parentheses around multiplication and division parts in equations to better outline the order of operations still, do you agree?

I think this is sort of reciprocally causal... which doesn't say much for the thinking capacities of those individuals communicating via ebonics...

I disagree. This would negate the functionality of the actually important parentheses, making it pretty much impossible to do higher math.

Irrelevant. This has a far less impact on the clarity of an equation than limiting one's vocabulary does on the clarity of language and thought. The two aren't remotely comparable.

It's a degenerate dialect of American English, spoken largely by poor, uneducated African Americans.

Except the language today remains intelligible to what it was a century ago. A cultivated person can read Shakespeare on the original and without footnotes. Call "ebonics" what you will but it isn't even a patois or a creole, it's at best a jargon and not in any way proper English. What good is any speech which will only distance its speakers from literature, science or higher education?

"Ebonics" do not even posses a proper gramatical structure, it's nothing but the ramblings of the uneducated.


No, it wouldn't.

How does it have far less impact?

Well, I don't... so, okay, I guess.

A wider range of people they can relate too.

Why you brush that off so easy?

Complete this equation for me:


I had to work customer service some time ago, black customers were a fucking nightmare, they were simply unable to communicate. Add to that you couldn't ask them to repeat something very often, or else they'd get agitated. More than a few times I got accused of racism because they simply could not bring themselves to speak in a manner that I was able to understand. I aklso got some rednecks, sometimes with heavy Southern accents. Say what you will about them but they did understand the importance of speaking slowly and clearly when they were conveying important information.

Parenthesis have one purpose in an equation. In fact, there are only so many symbols and terms that can be used to describe something in mathematics. The english language, in comparison, is necessarily far more complex. This is because we use language to communicate EVERYTHING. Having more ways to describe something allows for precision in meaning.


My biggest complaint about niggers is just that they always want free shit.
Can you hook a brotha up?


It's not even a real language. Why not teach Klingon. Its just as valid.

Check'd mate

Yall niggas so black. Y'all niggas smoke crack. Yall niggas shoot snack. Y'all niggas is whack. And that's da fact jack.

Oh man, you should have seen some of the complains I got. This teen black girl buys a fucking shit tier laptop, I'm talking specs below what you get on half decent tablets. Android OS 32GB storage with something like a tera of cloud. She complains that we ripped her off because she can't save movies to the fucking thing, everytime I try to explain how the specs work she claims it was deliberate fraud because we shouldn't sell computers that "can't do normal stuff" mfw I don't think she had internet at home... Have you ever talked to to these black people who you're not sure if you're just not getting through or they really are that retarded? Fuck me I could have given her a fucking brand new laptop with better specs but I didn't because she really aggravated me so much. Plus seriously why should we pay because someone is too fucking stupid to even realize what is it they're buying? She was past her 30 day period or whatever so I sent her packing, I quit a few months after that, don't think I'll ever have the patience to deal with people like that on a regular basis.

It's just another dialect of English. It shouldn't be privileged and it shouldn't be shit on. Academic and corporate/commercial language should be as plain and neutral as possible to maximize the audience and to unbias reception to focus on content.

So-called eubonics is fine, just like any other accent or dialect. I thi k it's paternalistically racist to accommodate the dialect under the idea that colored people can't or shouldn't have to fit in with broader society.

>loss of knowledge
Yeah they were so much smarter in Shakespeare's time.

>nigga doesn't realize we're smarter than in shakespeare's time because we have the knowledge from shakespeare's time to build off of and continually improve

Step it up, faggot.

There are eloquent people who use ebonics, most commonly seen with rappers and other lyricist. They are a rare exception, however, especially even among rappers and lyricists.

It's kind of like finding an intelligent speaker with a thick southern accent. Rare, but they technically exist.

Get a room.

>implying 50 years from now everyone in the US will be speaking Ebonics and not just a small segment of the black ghetto too uneducated and backward to speak like the rest of the country

And the thing is, the pronunciation of letters also changes. So an f may have been pronounced as an s, and an e before a y or an I could be pronounced with a th.

And yet nobody gives a fuck because we speak close enough to a standard.

Ebonics has been around for a while buddy. Also there are several dialects of English spoken just in the US. They will most likely remain as hey have for a while

They actually were
Not Shakespeare times, but people in the past were smarter. Many primitive, tribal people also demonstrate greater intelligence than civilized people.

>imp we won't be speaking spanish

Actually, it's "more educated". Smarter is debatable. Especially with you.

And there are planets made entirely of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

booga booga lalblaa ooka tooka booga.

It's like how certain kinds of pop are only found in the US

Is that, all you have to say?

You guys still havent gotten a room? Ooh, you're exhibitionists...got it.


Maybe if you don't want to hear opinions in a thread asking for opinions, you should kill yourself.


Ooh boy, small children should look away, incoming penetration.

what's this about worsening rounds?

A dialect is a regional language, ebonics is not regional but the result of lack of education in the black ghettos.

>visual aids

>and other 'lyricist'

typical rap song

it's their dead end on in their society.

You have to smoke chronic to talk it.

>implying I didn't imply exactly that

It's fine in small amounts

I like bubonic chronic

Backbone for all black arguments or any conversation

What's your opinion of non black people who use ebonics?

I get it. Following the rules of English, grammar, spelling, pronunciation, just feels like obedience to the white man. But the fact is English is the language you have to speak if you want to be successful and have a good life, unless you can either rap, sing, or play a sport well enough to support yourself.

>implying your implication is actually implying and not true implying like you were in the original implication

you're so cool, user

I'm not opening my eyes.

post yfw Trump gets btfo by Shillary

Meh, I've got a hard time equating reaction time and intelligence. Second article is probably true, though, it makes sense in the evolutionary perspective.

yfw he wins

You cite two extremely thin studies that are unpopular and take huge assumptions. I'm not buying it.

TIL comparing reaction time shows the average 14 year old squeaker on CSGO is smarter than senior Harvard professors.

There's a difference between language evolving out of necessity or logical reasons. It's another thing entirely for language to devolve due to poor education.

Sure, language is constantly changing. But is it for the better? You haven't addressed this issue.


haha I'm a white guy

I don't even care for Hillary, but Trumptard tears will be delicious come election day


you actually think shillary will be better?

nice haha

It didn't do it correctly

Anti-Trump voters couldn't care less about Clinton.

Language has never changed out of necessity or logic. That's not how language actually works. This is what's so awesome about autistic fucks on the internet--you'll run your mouths about whatever thing you feel like, twist the argument in any way you like and call it logic.

All of these things about language are well understood, studied, and documented by the people who want to actually learn about them. They're the people with the "shit tier" degrees on that adorable little infograph that gets posted on Sup Forums about once a half hour. I could give a fuck if you ever understand it or not, but don't pretend like it's some huge debatable mystery when in fact you don't want to learn about the subject with academic rigor.

As much as it makes me want to wretch to say this, it has all of the proper structure to be a dialect of English.
We looked at it years ago in a linguistics class, and it seriously has its own rules that are adhered to and would qualify as a dialect or patois.
It was formed from a bastardization of the Queens English as it was passed to blacks from slave owners (and it declined as everyone in the south become less and less educated).

Okay, so how does language work?

Also I did mention that it could change via poor education. I like that you're shucking big words into your argument though. Doesn't make you look any less pretentious, and being pretentious doesn't make you an less wrong.

I bet you have an linguistics major.

Subhuman mutterings taught by "groids" to their nigglet spawn.

Fucking language, how does it work?

What kind of retort is that?

The juggalo kind.

>google ebonics
>american black english
fucking niggers

Your lack of basic English skills makes me want to retch. Reading quality works will make you more familiar with the language, you poor wretch.

Yeah, let me just sum up how language works in a post on Sup Forums. There's dozens of types of PhD's on the subject, but let me link you to the Buzzfeed list that breaks it down for you.


>There's dozens
Maybe you should read some of them. Also, don't bust a gasket. You probably don't have too many to spare.

Then don't. I don't know what to tell you but thanks for informing me of your skepticism.

No, it did it perfectly fine. The parentheses around the numbers only (5) and (7) are redundant and mean nothing.

I know, I'm the idiot who didn't use a calculator and got -37..if it didn't have all the parentheses i would have gotten it right i bet. i like the simplicity of Ebonics as well as pemdas.

Ah, calling pretentiousness and butt-hurtedness on someone when you have no rebuttal.