Am i the only one who's still a little ticked off that Simpsons is still on the air but this show ended?

Am i the only one who's still a little ticked off that Simpsons is still on the air but this show ended?

No, it never should have been revived in the first place, it turned to trash.

nah I'm cool with that I'd hate a zombie futurama (yes, even post-fox futurama isn't zombie futurama)

nope. Simpsons in garbage now.

Furuama dragged on a little, but just enough in the end

Before you criticize someone's work, you should learn how to do that work.

Should I be a producer? A writer? An animator? Or do I have to do all of those better before I criticize?

this desu if you haven't released AT LEAST 2 movies, 8 shorts and 1 tv-series with at least 3 seasons you shouldn't really post on Sup Forums

this is the dumbest post of 2016 and of all times

Wasn't first revival for season 4? That one was the best overall in my opinion.

that's stupid

Are you a director, a writer, do you make series, are you a politician?

fourth post worst post

I've only seen up to the 4 movies. Does the show still hold up after the movies?

No. There's a few good episodes, but it's just a downward spiral after that.

I'm glad that it's over, instead of turning into a zombie like Simpsons

This is dumb, you don't need to be a chef to know if your steak is cooked wrong. While it would be foolish to criticize a NASA engineer with no background in physics, the lay person is constantly exposed to the products of the entertainment industry. Everyone can feel instinctually when a show does poorly, even if they are not trained enough to know how to describe its failings.

The first half of the revived season was indeed absolute garbage, but the second half had some gems.

Law and Oracle? Tip of the Zoidberg? Ghost in the Machines? All with the classic sense of humor that made Futurama great originally

>restaurant serves me a plate full of steaming shit
>can't complain because I'm not a qualified chef

damn. that's a shame

>Government makes being white punishable by death
>Can't complain because I have no background in political science


As a cyclopsposter, I am miffed.

But Leela will always live on in my heart.

Simpsons could've been great even today if it switched the format from two plot lines per episode into vignette format.

I can't believe there are people who believe this. I can't have an opinion or critique something unless I myself have mastered it? You are a fucking mongoloid.

And in that case, how can you critique a potential critic without providing the credentials to prove that you yourself are a master at critique? Because otherwise, how can you criticize them?

Body switching episode is great. I think it was in Season 6.

The one wear the guys and girls switch sexes was my favorite. The women have the shittiest time as men and the men absolutely love being women. It's the most based episode in my opinion