Track & field

Are you guys watching the track and field trials?

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Guys, this isn't shopped at all.

if her ass was like that my penis wouldnt reach her vagina

She also probably wouldn't be able to compete in track and field.

that fucking nigger that tripped kek

Whats her name?

The last olympics I watched were the Sydney ones because I liked waking up and having breakfast with it. And Brazil is meh, definitely the less hyped olympics

i love the womens abs during track and field

Shes more packed than me, feels bad but also good because I like stronk girls

Is op pic related shopped? Somebody confirm pls

It is

no way nigga, she can definitely run (waddle) with that build

>is an horse a athlete

Her ass would make my dick look tiny in comparison

Your dick would look tiny anywhere


if you really think ass size prevents a 4 inch dick from reaching the vagina then you need to get fucking laid you fucking virgins

I think only 1 guy said anything of the sort.

Shouldn't have googled it

you must be spoiled from all those south american women, her ass is still nice

>thinking that OP's pic looked like an athlete

Texas pls


no it doesnt

Irish dream woman

>tramp stamp
>tramp stamp of ching chong writing

just like this girl that you fags keep posting

and what real track ass looks like