General drugs thread...

General drugs thread....had 1g of PURE COCAINE tonight wanting to talk to fellow drugs users for fun I'm bored! COME ON ANONS!!! LETS CHAT SHIT IM FROM UK BTW

Hello user ive also partaken in the same substance lets all chat shit!!!

what music do you like user? I'm listening to a day to remember :D good music when your buzzin


cid reporting in

Seems Legit we are just looking for people to chat

I'm coming off a relatively light acid trip. chillin' with some gin for the comedown. feeling retrospective and fucking loveelllyyy

If it's not a personal 8ball is not a party

OP here never tried acid ive always been worried about hallucinagenics, is acid safe to use, ive done coke, E's, mandy, mkat, weed and other weak drugs but always been cautious of them sort of things though

I'm an amateur really I'm only 20 but tried a good few "stimulants" just want to know if acid is safe as in my friend done shrooms once and now lives his life in a padded cell in a constant trip which has scared me off of them

well. still a bit fried so may not be the best to explain, here goes though. forgive the lack of punctuation.

like any drug - if you taper UP to a high, you'll be fine. if you've done uppers & weed, you're well aware of being fucked up and chemically controlled, and any schmoe can handle a low dose of acid and know its not for them.

some idiots seem to push it one step too far though.

i like hallucinogens 'cos there's no sugar coating. you tend to get the pleasantries of recreational drug highs, but also the time and space to introspectively examine and think. its a whole different type of escape from reality, i suppose.

uppers 'n that won't make you care about reality. psychedelics you still do.

I suppose all I can say is I'm twenty something and holding down a decent job; take psychedelics recreationally once a month or less and I love 'em like you love any holiday.

OP here if I suffer with depression ,I know coke is a bad idea, but do you think hullucinigens would do me good, a few people have told me to go for It cuz it would help my help long term but I'm scared because of the possibility of a long term trip, I know I'm only 20 but I'm asking advice if anything

Guys, I've done LSD, DMT, 2C-B, Mushrooms. LSD the most times, I really like how a trip becomes different every time.

I feel perfectly sane and in good spirits. I recommend tripping.

OP here again sorry I'm buzzing so I'm replying a lot, do you think they would do me good if I get depression and shit? honest question no things like kys and stuff please I'm young and asking advice is all anons

This guy fucks

Tripping is gay and Idk why anyone would chose that over doin some good sniff or pippin some Oxys

you get on coke and the most fun thing you can think of is making a thread on an internet image board? What the fuck, man.

noo lol its 3am I'm indoors on my jack and bored shitless lol nothing to do so I come to Sup Forums to talk to people who are just as fucked as me :D

Oh, definitely. Psychiatrists out there would use mushrooms in therapy because of the introspective aspect of it. I managed to fix a lot of conflicts in my personal life by just taking a dive into it and get your head sorted.

no. self medicating is risky at best.

if you're depressed, speak to your GP. Where possible, quit or lower recreational drug use.

i'm a fairly chill person, not the happiest, not the saddest; but i'm definitely not sad or depressed or anything, so I really can't advise if you're feeling that way. i certainly wouldn't consider it the best course of action if i was.

you serious or trolling? I can get shrooms if I want them but ide only get them if I thought it would help me longterm, also if I was going to do it should it do it with company or solo for my first time

where are your friends

haha sorry dude, you found the one other guy blitzed on Sup Forums right now and he had to be on a head full of acid

put on the party tunes famalam, i know i am

finally a person who is talking seriously, this is what I wanted, I know I need to stop using coke because of the high then big low but its the only way I feel anything good anymore I'm just curious as to if hallucinugens are a good move or not :) thanks user

I don't have any anymore because I turned very aggressive and violent when I went bad on cocaine, I'm ok now I'm rebuilding what I ruined I'm just curious as to shroom and acid

has anyone try colombian cocaine? Ive heard its the top

You should do it with someone you can rely on if it gets a little scary. You're probably worried about a bad trip, which isn't that nice to experience. I had a bad trip once when I was talking to a friend from back home, and I was on the peak of a very strong LSD trip. We got into argument, and I got so mad that I smashed my laptop screen to bits. Next to me was my equally high intensity tripping friend who mumbled "Oh no what have you done".
I yelled a lot that night.

But I will just get to the point: It doesn't harm you. It does do brain damage or anything like that. Do it in a safe and friendly environment, get comfy. 6 hours will pass by eventually.

User from Mex... Hi user...

What i'm smoking tonight Sup Forums, what do you think?

>Tripping is gay and Idk why anyone would chose that over doin some good sniff or pippin some Oxys

You sir need to get your hands on some 2c-B

so is the thing about going on a lifetime trip just scaremongering or is it a legitimate possibility?

Snort it live for /b

shrooms are so much fun dude. Your gut will hurt from laughing so much, its a ride

There is no such thing as a life long trip. LSD lasts 8-12 hours. Mushrooms lasts 6-8 hours.

How much u snorted? what u drink, user?

1G of pure and 5pints and 5cans of carling I'm just asking if its a good idea to do shrooms if I get depression is all...also thank you Sup Forums when I'm feeling sad you people always cheer me up, cant repay you :D xx

DMT is the craziest I've done though. You really go to another dimension. Three puffs, and you're off to wtfhuhwhoamIwhatiswhat---------------

I need to lay off the coke though. Been snorting every other day for weeks now.

I want to try it but I have no way to obtain it.

A friend of mine did a thesis about depresion and shrooms, she found that it helps but... Better check whit the wise...