Is there anything more cringeworthy than when comedians try to do dramatic roles?
Is there anything more cringeworthy than when comedians try to do dramatic roles?
Robin Williams Wasn't bad in goodwill hunting
I hate """"comedians"""" in general
such useless gay verbal diarrhea, barely better than whores
gas all comedians
Sup Forums ...
Just this thread.
>Goodwill Hunting
>forgetting Bill Murray
seriously, they have one of the best dramatic comedians in the fucking op
This theory is horseshit. Jim Carrey is great in dramatic roles. Even Adam Sandler did Punch Drunk Love.
Honestly I think Robin Williams is shit as a comedian, his acting though dramatic or comedic is amazing he's one of my favorites. Although Mork and Mindy was cringeworthy shit
Go fuck yourself OP. You are wrong.
Robin williams actually started out acting OP you pleb. he's not a comedian who dabbled in acting. He went to fucking Julliard.
Steve Carrel was good in Foxcatcher and The Big Short
Will Farrell was decent in Stranger than Fiction
>Is there anything more cringeworthy than when comedians try to do dramatic roles?
Yes there is.
Your posts.
>Is there anything more cringeworthy than when comedians try to do dramatic roles?
Yes, when dramatic actors try comedy.
I love it when they do. I hate actors who play literally 1 role in their entire career (le grumpy old man, wise old man, dude weed)
Or worse, athletes.
Comedians literally make the best dramatic actors
Reminder that Robin Williams hung himself dead
Yes, there is.
When that comedian is a submissive, pasty white Mexican nu-male beta pussy.
Pic related.