If you were an album, what album would you be?

Not necessarily your favorite, or even an album you like. Just which album is closest to being you?



upvoted : ^ )



throwing in a unique snowflake-response right away





So why haven't you offed yourself?

Because I lack the motivation for most things. I'm too numb


Funny enough I'd say Sgt. Peppers but pic related is pretty much ENTP the album so I'll just post that one.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Get your Myers-Briggs horoscopes out of here.

Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour


probably Kid A

i'm that good shit

None of the intelligent people I've met throughout my life use the word "intelligent" to define themselves. Just saying, user.

It's a meme.

Pardon my foolishness.




Probably this. I would say Siamese Dream... But I'm just not that consistent or refined


either this or this

you are, sir, a fucking retard

