Shit tier youubers
Shit tier youubers
Onision, but I didn't need to tell you for you to know that.
>inb4 bandwagon
leafyfag 14 year old
>inb4 edgelord
This cuck
all MLG (montage parody) friend's
They all get to be cancer at some point, and most of the ones I hate are hated by everyone on here so there's no reason to bother listing. But even the ones I like get annoying at some point because it's their income and they fall into formulaic shit.
I don't hate smosh that much, though. I'm old enough to have half assed middle school memories of their first videos so I looked them up again recently. They gave me two hot Asian girls and an annoying but physically passable white girl... I don't even care what they post, I just wait to see them.
He was good on tech TV buy is fucking star wars all the gd time. I mean who really names their kid fucking Jedi?
any gaming channel. most of the people are fine but their content sucks
the only godtier channel is
Keemstars drama alert
The rest are fucking niggers i own them
That's just asking for her to be bullied
Casey Neistat?
He's a give and take channel for me. I like that he puts effort in making his vids, but they sometimes blend all together.
It is cool he travels quite a bit.
Well here we have someone jacking off to Keem...
Cucklord liberal
>inb4 cuck sucking onision faggot
that dram alert gnome looking motherfucker
All those Faze and Optic channels
considering theyre fuckin og youtubers, theyre doing pretty well
Fuck you nigger
Dj Killer Keemstar is better jerkoff matireal than you will ever be you cunt
If it wasnt for those fucks grade a, leafy and pyro, he would still be the god of youtube
The amazing athiest is doing okay and consistent content compared to most ogs from 2006
Turned to complete shit after the Leafy Rant video.
>mfw all youtubers are shit tier
This fucking Cringefest.
Fag owns a body pillow no joke
all of them
every last one
CBoyardee was good
this fag
are you fucking serious
don't forget ricegum
What are you fucking gay
Neckbeard detected
Same, also CheckĀ“ed
Everyone on jewtube is a fucking CIA nigger faggot........everyone except the hero this world needs.
Optic and Faze faggots
Ey, thats pretty gay.
Every youtuber ever.
Implying that's even boogie, you fucking cuck.
that kid who made the fred videos back in the days new channel
His wife is strange as fuck
Or b8
Because i like them? i think they're pretty funny usually. except when james gets too into himself.
This is shit tier and you posted funhaus. You might've misread it
Shit tier youubers
How does he still have a twitter account?
Yeah, he's just a cuck. Always taking the moral high-ground.
Well then. I was wondering why OP liked those smosh assholes.
All of them.
Mr Tinfoil answers the call of content, respect him and accept his godlike content
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I'm 26, I don't know youtubers. Apparently they're the Hollywood celebrities of the young millenials
Kek'd at the chemtrails
Low quality b8
Summer is in full swing
Eduppps ez teh gratest utuber ever fagot