Sup Sup Forums, this has been on my thigh for ~4 days now. Is it aids? Am I going to die like a fag? It ocassionaly itches.
Sup Sup Forums, this has been on my thigh for ~4 days now. Is it aids? Am I going to die like a fag...
Hudson Butler
Luke Lewis
Rrriiiingworm niggles, go get you some Lotrimin Ultra or other antifungal.....and stop letting your disease ridden dog lick your balls
Isaiah Robinson
dermatitis, probably from your washing powder you effeminate babyskinned faggot
Nolan Turner
I don't have any pets
Nathan Jones
If that's the case then it's probably HPV
>you're fucked mate
Adrian Richardson
Damn mate, guess I should go get a will made tomorrow.
Jacob Howard
It looks like a warthog
Carson Rogers
get yourself some lotrimin before it spreads.
Lucas Reed
But it's still in its early stages so it might be cureable... Just make sure it can be treated before it looks like what google images says HPV looks like
Logan Adams
See>you still have some hope before it gets really BAD. Just be careful man.