>And the president's refined, in her wing SHE'S confined
Why do libtards have to ruin everything?
>And the president's refined, in her wing SHE'S confined
Why do libtards have to ruin everything?
I haven't listened to it yet but yikes. Top-tier cringe right there.
btfo cuck
literally all musicians/rappers/producers/artists/etc are liberals.
>your new is showing senpai
>Why do libtards have to ruin everything?
Just like in 2001, the states that lost (California, Washington, New York, Massachussetts, Illinois) are the states that grant the the USA its status as the world's superpower: all the science and technology that gives the USA the key advantage over other countries come from San Francisco, Seattle, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, New York, New Jersey, Boston and Chicago: Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, IBM, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, the biopharmaceutical industry... you name it. These states are increasingly aware that their scientific and engineering achievements are enabling a majority of ignorant people (who doesn't even believe in their science) to rule the world. It's a paradox that only happens in the USA because only in the USA is the disconnect between the educated minority (that makes the USA great) and the uneducated majority (that elects the government) so large. Silicon Valley and Boston literally empower the likes of Sarah Palin and Sean Hannity who don't even believe in science: without Silicon Valley and Boston these people would be humble peasants scavanging for food in primitive forests and valleys instead of being influential voices that decide who rules the country. Time to undo Lincoln?
not about presidential shit fuck off
The president is good
She's confined
Two separate entities
Learn the psyche bruh
i know
i hate political lyrics
>caring about a musician's political views
Doesn't change the fact that Trump was a better candidate than Clinton
If you honestly believe that, you're probably an uneducated hick.
>473 billion in debt
>populations growing way faster than they should, so everything is always expanding but can never catch up
>water shortages-weren't even smart enough to build desalination plants until the water table started getting fucked up
The only reason california hasn't completely been dumpstered yet is because Californians are too doped up 24/7 to actually understand how shit the state is. Knew a guy who lived there, he admitted how shit the situation was and how happy he was to get away from it.
no more needs to be said
>American Northeast
I actually want to live there, so no qualms from me
Boy, that completely negates the fact that 99% of meaningful art and scientific achievements can be credited to liberals.
[spoiler]not really[/spoiler]
I agree that Trump supporters are some of the most deluded people in the world, but it is obvious Clinton had a historically bad campaign.
no shit if you're in some hick town where no one is doing anything but fucking their sister you're not going to have much going either way.
also nobody gives a shit about your stupid anecdote about your imaginary friend.
you really want to talk about the economy? why not talk about the iraq war that cost 2 trillion fucking dollars you inbred sack of shit?
She spent over $1.2 billion, had nearly the entire mainstream media shill for her, and still lost. Trump spent a tenth of what she did. Sorry cucks, throwing money at an election doesn't work anymore. Maybe your candidate should have had more charisma than a potato.
President-elect Donald J. Trump is under budget and ahead of schedule. MAGA!
>voting based on charisma
jesus you sound like a stupid fucking housewife you pathetic cuck.
>rap album
>not expecting political lyrics
you're a dummy
And you sound like a butthurt liberal faggot who still can't swallow their L. Feed me more tears, crybaby bitch.
It's kinda like bragging about the fact that you paid too much for a a shit car because the salesman was "charismatic".
Except in this case, the salesman removed the airbags because he believed they were part of some chinese conspiracy.
don't worry
kanye has been redpilled and will soon publish the first alt-right rap album
>yelling makes my point more valid
Not surprised you were so easily swayed by a conman.
>Trump spent less than a tenth than her
not true
>throws the word shill around all the time
like I said, deluded people who try to make themselves seem suppressed by the system to get support when they're actually not at all.
By the way, you guys lost.
America lost, tbf
Maybe. Only time will tell. Killing the TPP was the most positive outcome of this election so far, so I'm quite content. I'll be honest though, kind of concerned about what's going on with overtime pay.
i didn't support hillary lmao you fucking cuck.
you're the one crying tears of joy that your alpha-male-god won you pathetic cuck.
exactly. lol look at him he talks about charisma and all he can say is "I WON!" he talks about hillary as if he was describing himself.
no one supported Clinton, they just didn't support Trump.
He's a homophobe tho
Trump is going to betray you and every other uneducated dickhead that voted for him repeatedly and blatantly for the next four years and I can't wait to watch
Psst - you lost.
it was gonna be that situation either way. at least he's fun to watch
Nigger, I have an electrical engineering degree. You should try the uneducated argument with someone else. And, by the way, you lost. Big time.
come on, i thought you liked charisma? why don't you have any?
Because charisma is relevant on an anonymous image board. You cucks will still respond anyways. Who I am on this site is different than my real-life personality. I have friends, a girlfriend, a great and satisfying job, and money in the bank. I'd like to think my charisma afforded all of that for me.
>being this elitist
i look forward to eating you, technocrat
Your electrical engineering degree doesn't change the fact that you were manipulated by a conman
I didn't vote for Hillary either BTW
Half the people on Sup Forums are STEM majors, u dip.
Trump already went back his promise to "drain the swamp" by appointing establishment politicians to his team.
America's become a laughing stock because of Trump's ignorant views on global warming. Even 3rd world countries have pledged to reduce their emissions.
There's also the fact that he's so thin-skinned that he's literally picking fights with people on twitter. The POTUS picking fights on twitter. Jesus christ.
>i look forward to eating you
Not with those chompers.
>Who I am on this site is different than my real-life personality. I have friends, a girlfriend, a great and satisfying job, and money in the bank.I'd like to think my charisma afforded all of that for me.
good one thanks for that.
>implying HRC isn't the biggest con artist in Washington right now
I don't understand your argument much. Do you want his entire staff to be as inexperienced in politics as he is? That's absolutely foolish. I'm glad he is appointing politicians to his staff - I wouldn't have expressed interest in his candidacy if I thought he wouldn't.
I agree that his stance on energy production and carbon emissions is disappointing, but not surprising. I knew that alternate energy was not something he was going to support. He is very ignorant to the dangers of coal.
He is very thin-skinned. It's pretty embarrassing that he is continuing to do so even after winning the election. He needs to just shut the fuck up, honestly.
All that being said though, he is still miles better than HRC. Fair trade deals and bringing jobs back from overseas are the more important issues. Apple and Ford have already begun to consider bringing production back to the US. Unlikely, but hey. We'll see what happens.
If you're running on a #DrainTheSwamp platform, you can't defend it when he doesn't follow up and surrounds himself with lobbyists, wall street execs, and insider politicians.
>"drops" something because muh politics
I'm not. Insider politicians are critical to our government functioning. I'm positive Hillary Clinton would have surrounded herself with more entrenched dirty money and lobbyists. Trump also put a five-year ban on lobbying after holding office, so it's not like he isn't trying. Can you cucks not say one thing positive about our president-elect? Sad.
Bruh, stop mentioning HRC. We're talking about Trump, try to keep up.
Again, he promised during his campaign that he would keep Washington special interests out of his administration, and he lied. It was a lie. His pick for secretary of the treasury was a Goldman Sachs exec and worked for George Soros for years.
He is a conman who has already and will continue to use the presidency to enrich himself.
>Can you not say one thing positive about our president-elect?
The size of his hands makes it difficult for him to grab a large surface area of pussy in a given amount of time..
But seriously tho,
>Insider politicians are critical to our government functioning. I'm positive Hillary Clinton would have surrounded herself with more entrenched dirty money and lobbyists
Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, and Stephen Bannon are much worse than any of the politicians Hillary would've picked for her cabinet. The great divide is only going to get worse, and that too at the expense of minorities. It's like a shariah party winning the election in a secular country.
Anyways, on the topic of the new Tribe album.
>dat scratching on Enough
>Sit and wonder sometimes - I read the paper every day.
>All these happenings is cyclical, just happen different ways.
>And the president's refined.
>In her wing, she's confined with about 30 Percocets and five bottles of wine.
>Carolina nothing finer than a black woman who climbs to the top of the state building, claiming that the flag is mine.
It's not about Hillary. Most of the best contributions to rap are charged with political and social commentary anyway.