People on Sup Forums thought this was a good film

>People on Sup Forums thought this was a good film

This board has been full of normies and plebs for years but you're not even trying to hide your shit taste anymore

Other urls found in this thread:

It was a good adaptation of the comics frankly

>everyone is wrong but me

When will people abandon this mentality?

>I didn't read the comic
They have almost nothing in common

>no characters arcs
>story isn't saying anything

This board is full of Marveldrones who shill their "opinions" and samefag like crazy. They're probably also on Disney's payroll

Netflix is conformed to have paid for shills, I think Disney are just drones though

Gee....I wonder who is behind this thread

Nice try, Capeshitfag

what part of capeshit don't you understand

>hurr fucking durr