Hey, Sup Forumsros. Going to a recruiting center tomorrow...

Hey, Sup Forumsros. Going to a recruiting center tomorrow. Any questions i should make sure to ask or things to look out for? I hear recruiters lie a lot about their promises.

Shameless self bump.

If its not on paper you won't get it. Its not "you might not get it," its "you won't get it."

What MOS?

How do I guarantee to get it on paper?

sort off topic but I've always wanted to get ass pounded by a marine. the more mentally scarred, the better :-/

Just dont go infantry or you will hate life.

Take the asvab and take a useful mos

request west coast

watch the documentary: Ears, open. Eyeballs, Click.

It wont be easy because your whole life will change but atleast you will get laid pretty much non stop.

Bomb ass benefits, well atleast the GI Bill is.

The VA sucks and will never get better.

Make sure to document all medical issues to get disability for the rest of your life.

The only thing you should ask is how quickly you can sign up to get that shit over with.

going for 0311 but maybe 5811 if unable to get infantry

>I hear recruiters lie a lot about their promises.

They will promise you anything and deliver nothing. Do not enlist.

I got a 69 on the ASVAB. What's a good/fun MOS? I hear a lot of grunts with mixed reviews.