Previous: Rules: >Claim your Waifu/Husbando >No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed >Only one claim per user >No stealing (unless trips or more) >No oversexualised content >No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion) >Discussion is welcomed >Insults must be original >If you're posting images you're not lurking >3D is almost always trash >Joining means a reserved place in hell >Most importantly, have fun!
I got a bit upset when I had learned that I was stuck in her route just because I didn't puss out.
Fuck off Skeletor.
Joshua Lopez
Luke Adams
Aren't you tired or anything? It must be like 6 AM for you.
Parker Hill
yeah that part got my too, i was trying for Rin first but I got Emi. No regrets
Ryan Phillips
Dio get
Ryder Mitchell
Claiming best girlie!
>where is best knight?
Asher Diaz
Yeah, 7AM.
I'm a bit tired indeed, might sleep soon, kek.
What about you?
Lucas Gomez
>summoned as darkmoonblade >duty fulfilled YAY 1 STEP CLOSER TO DORKMOON BLADE
Leo Edwards
It's meaningless now, you've rolled twice in last thread. It is a golden rule to roll a steal only once a thread, you have become nothing else but a filthy heretic.
I tried for Armless just for the edgyness, I don't even have a feet fetish. Then I went for blind.