What are best ways to commit a suicide?

What are best ways to commit a suicide?

Broadcasting it on Twitch.

>inb4 severed head on a ceiling fan

Google helium exit bag

with others willing or not

Self immolation in public or nothing.


Do self-immolation right and you're a bad-ass for all eternity.
If you scream and run like a bitch at least it's funny for a few minutes.

you could always kill yourself to death

Setting yourself on fire and falling out of a window

Doesn't work anymore
Amazon puts 20% oxygen in helium tanks

That's the least cool way to kill yourself, you fail doing the job and you sound like mickey mouse after.

Take a bottle of valium, swig it down with alcohol, pour remaining alcohol on yourself and light it as you fall off a roof with a noose around your neck, on the way down, blow your head off with a shotgun, the rope will snap what remains of your neck and your burning body will fall to the ground, followed by your head

ive always liked "take lots of sleeping pills"

everyone always says "dying in your sleep is peaceful and the best way to go".


Add a friend that attempted suicide by ODing on sleeping pills, she said that her eyes and stomach started burning unbearably and then she threw up all the pills after that she couldn't sleep for 2 weeks.

Terrible way to kill yourself.


Alright, this technique has worked for millions of proud Islamics. Get high explosive, walk into a Grand Bazaar and detonate that shit.

12 gauge to the face. At least you won't feel it, but say goodbye to an open casket

Go into a gay bar and shoot everything you can

too mainstream

let's face it
the OP is more than likely already too ugly for an open casket
and it's not like he would have anyone at his funeral but the priest and funeral directors anyway

people like this fag are why cremation was invented

naw everyones is doing it these days.

I'm more likely to be in a gar bar having a good time then to shoot it up, so don't do that.