Hi Sup Forums.
Do you like my hair?
Hi Sup Forums
Tits or gtfo
that was quick sir dubs
Yeah its pretty.
Not so much, I definitely think you need to grow it longer, and maybe thin it out.
I Like Your Face
very pretty. curly hair is nice!
Your hair looks really cute, and you have a nice face too. If you didn't have a penis I'd fuck you
Do you like mine?
Dye your hair OP
you're super cute! that being said I think another hairstyle would be more flattering on you. I'd either straighten it out, or grow it out and some nice long curly/wavy locks of hair
A little longer and it'll be good. Or just straighten it
Sure, it's cute. Kind of a Jennifer Grey thing going. It wouldn't look bad a little longer, but it's pretty as it is.
Doesn't look bad.
Not as much as I like your "cum on me" lips
Ill need to see what it looks like around your pussy to be sure
No, but your eyes are nice. Curly is out.
Thanks mang
Nice mullet
Did you pull that shit out of the drains? Tits with timestamp or gtfo OP
Not exactly a mullet if you couldn't tell
Your hair looks like Lord Farquaad
you look like a jew
Yeah your right, its that layered long hair, I had that about a 8 months about before my hair got real long
So when we getting high user
Fuck off jew
Drugs are bad, mkay?
You look like a fucking jew.
Going for the anna baldavich from venture bros look faggot
Bangs area is not ideal. Otherwise cute.
I hate that this has to even be a question.