California thread

California thread.
Talk, meet up, share nudes, make friends.
>inb4 /soc/ hurrrrr

916 gals?

bump for some 310 ladies!


Boomp for 510 broads

707, anyone got tips for gardening in this heat?

209. Anyone here in this shit hole?

949 area?

209 rep

310 lady here

949 here



checked, also moar

Jesus Christ those quints

Ayyyy rep. What city?

Costa Mesa

Bumperino for 951 or 909 guys and gals

so quints means you post errythang you got right?

epic post is epic

Quinta means time stamp

honor the quints

951 Eastvale here with wins from ERHS

Lil 559 hoes

jesus titty fucking christ moar

So.. Where do you guys get your drugs at


a dispensary

Sup Forums are u fucking for real. Small world

Mission Viejo

Dispensary, coke dealers, acid connects, just gotta know someone user

Anyone from 805 or 909? Ventura in the 805 and Rancho/Ontario in the 909?

805 over here, stayin stoned in Ventura County


Aye what school did you go to or going to? Used to go to buena/pacific

Haha Eastvale too?

chekkin in stoned from dtla-arts district

909 here.

I went to school out in Ojai, college up in Santa Cruz it was way fuckin better than shitty ass Ojai.

909 Rancho. Forgot the Rancho part

ive been in eastvale since 06

Any Oxnard chicks ?

Dope lived there most my life what school you go to? I moved once came freshman year but middle school went to 3 Ruth musser CMS and RCMS

timestamp and ill bring the weed

Any Oxnard ?


I used to live up in Arrowhead and went to Rim of the World. Live in Rancho now for college.

I'm on iPhone when I try to post pics I crash, I got VTA hoes but mods would fuck me even if I could post

I'm in cam, I'm not a chick. Honestly the prospects are whatever out here, way more pussy in isla vista. And easier to slay, just rollin the dice if you're out barebackin Iv sluts

Oh dope assuming you go to Chafee, my cousin starting classes there this fall.

I'm 707 and yeah I have tips for that

Nice man. Lived here since 10. You have any Roosevelt wins youd be willing to trade?

down to talk/snap...friendly conversation or whatever. im right near rancho

Who you got
Any well known sluts

anyone in 626?

Anyone know a Marybeth in San Diego? Post last initial or a pic and I'll post nudes if it's her.

408 represent

I'm actually going to Pomona. I would talk/snap but my bf is sleeping right next to me in bed lol

Ha yea if you know anyone from buena, I prob got em lota grads but got some others ya got me

naw Sup Forumsro i lived out here but went to school in chino id love to see those wins tho

Oh, your phone must be a cell.


18/m/bi 951
kik: SammyxoxLove
down for anything

P-town lol and wouldnt that be the perfect opportunity to snap? fuck it ill snap your bf too

damn that's lame. any Roosevelt girls you know in particular?

ay Sup Forums

yah a few lol snap me user. we must banter


how the fuck?

dubs and palindrome dubs

Never any 562 in these threads.

you got kik?

I'm 562. Long Beach?
I'm a guy though so nothing too interesting there

downloading now

any 831 lurkers

your kik?



sup man


who wants to chill in the 209?

626 checking in

909 Chino reporting in

213 DT LA checking in

ayy cow town

Nothing much wbu

No cows by me, thankfully I live close enough to Chino Hills and The Shops

any 209 nudes?

ayyy rich entitled cows

714 here

Oakland here

Where my niggers at

310 here do you have Kik

use white trash bags to reflect the heat


209 fags kik me

Forgot to add whoops

951 where from? 26m

whitest but also most useful thing ive heard all night

I'll consider it if I can't solve otherwise

Hey a san jo nigga

951 Eastvale here