Leave the Muslim caliphate to me

>leave the Muslim caliphate to me


> Germany talking about muslims

It's already done bro

T. Mr 1 million refugees a year

t. homogeneous city of Brussels

> Implying i'm gonna deny that fact

Suck it up losers, my country is so poor that muslims, refugees and even gypsies nowadays avoid it at all costs. Feels good to be pure.

What will he do to Ozil?

more like 2 million

Why would he hurt his own country?

i think he means business

>*Why would he want to hurt our fellow countrymen?

ftfy ;)

Being poor has its advantages m8.

Neuer is a robot, right?

Is he going to friendly-fire now?

What does he mean by this?>

All germans are self hating muslims


huehue is not that bad compared to others

it's so poor that everyone not a gypsie or muslim leave it for better countries

t. a bulgarian living in America for 19 years

Neuer will play againt Germany? WHY???

Even Gypsies leave Bulgaria nowadays.

Slightly Ethnic guy from germany here.
Germans are racist as fuck.

German women especially so. All the rape you heard about in cologne was likely just partying and there would be no complaints if white men would have done the same harmless shit the immigrants have.
All this Sup Forumsshit about rapefugees and calling germans cucks is literally the opposite of how it actually is in germany.

I look better than my ethnic german friends but they pull more. Germany has just great PR.

>Torben-Martin false-false-falseflagging




who won that game

you should post this on Sup Forums

> let's more than 1 (one) million Mudslims come into his country in a single year

But most of our asian immigrants are bangladeshi

who went to the final?

How can one person say so much bullshit.

Please do us a favour and dance the Robert Enke

it means we're fucked if we don't deus vult this shit up
all of us

this may surprise you, but the euro semifinal is not played over two legs


>yfw this happens to Pogba

What does this map represent? Is it largest ethnic minority group?

You made the kid cry, on Thursday he will be out for BLOOD

Nah senpai it's India, followed by Pakistan and then Bangladesh

we have a better team now at least in attack
Payet will be their too and you already know who's Coman

It is just so annoying to see Sup Forums germans all day on Sup Forums whine about how all the women prefer muslim men and how you are so cucked.

If you are as "cucked" as you three claim to be please consult the nearest person of muslim background and transfer your gfs.

>30 year old from english midtable club and benchwarmer at bayern
you really frightened me there m8

ok i will leave them to you

>I'm a permavirgin because racism
lmao kid

How can one man go on talking even more bullshit?

It's true, ethnic Germans like myself hate muslims.
Ethnic German girls hate muslims even more.
And rapefugees are still a pest to this country and we need to get rid of them.

How can you not get this last point?

Müller has been acting like an autist from the first game, Gotze is shit and Özil is a lazy fuck
We just need to keep Draxler in check and you won't do shit
Giroud destroys Neuer in the air and it's open season on you les Boches

That is not the argument you retard.
The argument everyone always presents on Sup Forums is "oh germans love immigrants"
"lol a german complaining about muslims"
Those make no sense with the reality of how a large part of the inbred racist population here acts.

butthurt Ahmed?

Still mad a German girl rejected your subhuman ass?

Whoever she is, she did the right thing.

I'm excited to see a good European team take back it's national heritage from foreigners. Hopefully this will spillover into general society as well when that Cultural Marxist harpy Merkel is gone. Of course seeing Iceland win would have been better, I'll gladly cheer for actual Germans when they beat the French mercenaries

stfu burger


delete this

the German national team is filled with Turks, Tunisians, Poles, Ghanaians and Spaniards. What are you on about?

Our blacks have some white blood in them, it's why they're generally more tolerable and docile than your jungle nigs. Not to mention more athletically talented.

Can I see sources on that? The players I always see are ethnic Germans. I've never seen a non-German German player here

Germany vs France = Syria vs Algeria

More like ISIS vs Boko Haram

>they're generally more tolerable and docile than your jungle nigs
crime/murder stats tell an extremely different story

I guess you have not been following football long?

Welcome, the ride never ends

Fuck off.

> Our blacks have some white blood in them, it's why they're generally more tolerable and docile than your jungle nigs
top kek
you know very well your niggers aren't worth shit
enjoy #niggerslivesmatter and your riots fatass

hopefully we only have one sandnigger in this team
the problem is that he'll be the shittiest defender ever to play in a semi-final

Weren't most of the perpetrators at Cologne white, though?

No, all of them were from Morocco, Algeria or Turkey.

Not a single German

All Germans sans jungle gorilla on the right. How did they let that happen? Did Merkel personally intervene to let it play?

I didn't mean to strike a nerve, sorry. I don't want to have a nigger athlete or discussion about them in general. Let's just agree that countries without them are better off, okay?

Yes, they are just tanned germans.

germans cant tann, they become red and it's ugly af

I'm a slightly darker-skinned person (not Muslim or Black, more in line with Filipino, Hispanic, or Native American) and all the European countries that get made fun of for loving immigrants is a load of shit. I've lived in both Sweden and Germany for a while and if anything, it's more of an amusement park for pro-immigrant liberals than an actually accommodating place for immigrants. What people don't realize is that there's massive backlashes to all this shit. Check all the mosques that get burned in Sweden. Check all the anti-immigrant riots in Stockholm. Check all the videos of Germans acting "repulsed" when they see Muslim women walking down the street.

More immigrants in country X does not mean "country X loves immigrants". It means more riots, torches, and violence is on the way. Increasing a certain demographic pretty much NEVER leads to that demographic becoming more liked over there.

>all germans sans jungle gorilla on the right

Literally stop posting. You have no idea what you're talking about. Stick to handegg

> t. Captain Obvious

It's legitimately hard to tell what's obvious and what's trolling with Sup Forums shit sometimes.