Is there or will there ever be a show that rivals this one, from its characters, to its setting, to its raw emotion. I don't think this show can ever be rivaled.
Wish I saw more MASH threads on here,
Love the show, my dad got me it it when I came downstairs at 2:00am and it was on
We sat and watched episode after episode
Good times
Who would you rather spend a war with? BJ
Or Trapper John
As someone who is a fan of Columbo, it does have one flaw... The show is sort of boring. It's hard to watch.
Mad Men
Mad Men
>raw emotion
Mad Men
I have a feeling Trapper and I would get along better in a unit, but there's no question BJ is a better character for the show, the straight man for Hawkeye.
The pacing of dialogue on MASH is so fucking good and ahead of it's time.
Feels contemporary to me.
I felt as if Trapper and Hawkeye were almost too similar, though I almost hesitate to call BJ Hawkeye's straight man as he definitely had his moments of horseplay (when he was the camps secret prankster for one).
Probably Trapper because he reminds me of my best friend.
BJ's a good guy but i fucking hate people talking about their kids.
There was a show that not only rivaled it, but beat it. It also had Alan Alda. It was called Horace and Pete's. You didn't see it, but it was brilliant.
So did they ever find out what the BJ stands for?
BJ said that he was name after his mother Bea and his father Jay.
charles literally did nothing wrong
>shows only americans watched
>European shows
There's a reason nobody watches that shit
t. Deutschpleb
>that episode where Charles tried to prove life after death and goes full PTSD mode by going into an active war zone and operating on mortally wounded soldiers in an attempt for them to say that they see something before they pass on
Charles legit had the best character development. I'm happy they got rid of Frank for him.
He was too good at Cribbage
Also known as
>Good TV shows featuring interesting characters and a good story, instead of shows about cuckoldry and islam
goodbye col. henry blake.
I watched it all the time as a kid. A local channel showed it right before the news.
>Always come home from school and immediately do homework/be on the computer
>dad was always watching this show, to the point I have the theme song burned into my head for all eternity
>eventually start watching the show as an adult
>love the fuck out of it
my dad died when I was 17 so I never got the chance to watch it with him
Sorry bruh. My Dad and I watched MASH back when we still spoke.
GOAT themesong thread?
tvland rerurns of this shit were the cure for insomnia. what a boring fucking show
Settle it Sup Forums
>Henry or Potter?
>Trapper or BJ?
>Frank or Charles?
I watched this beginning to end on my last deployment in Kuwait. Regardless of the applicability of the subject matter, I realized that this show was basically The Office of its generation.
Trapper was always in Hawkeye's shadow, while BJ was his own man who had an ever-present internal conflict; struggling to maintain his identity as a clean-cut family man while indulging in cynicism and Hawkeye's antics as a way to escape the mundane oppressive atmosphere of the war.
We saw this best when he had the affair with the Korean woman. There, in Korea, there was no family back home...just the war, the wounded, and the weariness of trying to conform with American values in a place that was decidedly un-American. The decision of keeping the affair a secret was a form of "negative" character growth: The erosion of principles in a situation where they were no longer 'self'-serving, in an effort to preserve his sense of self. Similar to Children of Dune in that way.
Charles was such a stellar character. So easy to see how he considered himself superior, and in many ways, he was. His skill was second-to-none. Yet, he knew that his skill was the only thing he could impart on his unit. He would never be able to contribute to the group's sense of morale or camaraderie, and rather than trying to usurp Hawkeye's role (like Frank did), he found his own ways to make his mark. In a sense, he was the only one who could out-Hawkeye Hawkeye. Hell, he even understood that despite how insufferable Hawkeye could be, it was better to let him act out rather than try to rein him in. Charles was the best foil Hawkeye would ever have. I'd love to have someone like Charles in my daily life.
Potter. Henry was always semi-reluctant to serve within his role. It's easy to see how much he would have preferred to be one of the group, instead of the leader. Potter knew how to walk the line between staunch discipline and relational practicality.
>it's a hawkeye gets away with saying or doing something that would get him called a rapist today episode
Everyone knows the OTP is Klinger X Toledo
the latter choice in all three cases. the reason is simple. the earlier characters were one-dimensional and created when the writers were all new and hadn't gelled as a unit yet. when it came time for replacements, they were firing on all cylinders and better able to address what kind of characters the show needed for maximum drama.
>tfw potter and radar salute each other goodbye and there is no division between the actors and the characters, they're both openly weeping.
Whats the face?
>suicide is painless
I first saw that scene when i was 7, and I didnt understand death.
My parents had to explain to me exactly what the woman did, and it made me cry for hours.
I wouldnt consider it a particularly good scene, but every time i watch it I still tear up
>not understanding the difference between mfw and tfw
i understand you can't help being a faggot, but in the future, could you refrain from replying to my posts?
>Henry: Klinger, take off that dress at once!
>Hawkeye: Not in front of Trapper. He's a married man.