I'm getting tired of my rock music.
What music genre should a mature and productive member of society listen to?
I'm getting tired of my rock music.
What music genre should a mature and productive member of society listen to?
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If your looking to listen to a genre of music simply to fit in with society pop should do the trick.
I was thinking in funk. Its too hard to find good pop music
Electro swing
Not popular but
Hella good
The mid 80s ruined pop.
Metal, duh. Rock is metal music's faggot little brother anyway.
Continuation, old pop was wonderful, but I prefer soft rock over everything else.
And it's edgy punky Brother ska
Synthpop m8
Electroswing is copy-pasted nonsense. Pretty much every electroswing song sounds a minimum of 50% the same because none of the "artists" making electroswing are brave enough to stray away from shitty sudden-cut sampling over top a "4/4 club thumper" time sig/beat.
Swing is a good musical genre. Electro isn't bad either, English/Euro electronic music is important to the state of today's music's sound. But Electroswing is cancer, worst of both worlds.
Fuck off fedora
Personally I listen to chill trap/future bass
Most of it isn't that gross ghetto trap, and I enjoy the sound
If not that, then probably house music. Not the Big Room club type shit
More like Swedish, festival house. It puts me in a good mood and it's fun to make.
Metal is for the try-hardiest of try-hard faggots. Not saying it's all bad, some post-hardcore or thrash is really good, but I can't stand the hardcore scene in general. The biggest faggots known to man, wearing huge gauges and Between the Buried and Me / Bring Me the Horizon shirts acting like their genre of music is the only genre, or the most complex, when it's some of the most formulaic, manufactured nonsense every created specifically to appeal to the aforementioned pieces of shit.
>What music genre should a mature and productive member of society listen to?
How about listen to whatever you think sounds good? Fuck what anyone else thinks
pic unrelated
Listen to synthwave, that's what all the cool kids are listening to.
Confirmed for listener of electro-polka-metal-swing.
Mature people listen to whatever the fuck they feel like without giving a shit what society thinks.
You don't have to be a faggot metalhead and wear metal hoodies and cargo pants to listen to metal.
I completely agree. Just a buncha edge lords who cater to pretend with shit parents. Cannibal Corpse, the fuck kinda name is that?
Pop pop.
listen to some trendy shit, to get a grip on what the casual are listening to. keep an open mind and listen for what you like in the song, other than what you down right loathe..
Sometimes, the best part of metal (or any genre, really) is picking it apart and finding out what makes it tick. Trioscapes is a great example of that.
Remove guitar, replace with sick sax playing, and you get a metal/jazz fusion sound you've never heard before. And it's good.
Drum and Bayuss
>Metal is for the try-hardiest of try-hard faggots
And rap is for niggers who steal bikes and sling crack rocks. Isn't generalizing fun?
I feel like after listening to rock music all his life OP will have a hard time appreciating neurofunk
doom metal
Aw, did I hurt your feelings? Go listen to someone thumping double bass while playing linear hand rolls for a 12 minutes, and call it "progressive".
The metal scene and its listeners are equally lacking in self awareness.
I've listened to rock and metal all my life until two years ago.
Now I like drum n bass more than metal.
cool kids are fags
Does anyone respect acid jazz anymore. Actually fuck labels this weekend post good music. m.youtube.com
And go listen to Iggy Azalea you shit suckling cuck
Specifically Candlemass
Alternative is pretty good. SirusXM has Alt Nation or listen to Today's Alternative on Pandora.
>Metal/Hard Rock fan, early 30s
This song brings me back to an amazing year of waiting for gta 5.
Forgot suggestions. "Girls Like You" The Naked and Famous, "1901" Phoenix
>can't handle being called out
>meme spouting begins
This sounds pretty good actually. I personally don't like these jazz sax patterns (whatever it's called I'm not a musician), but I get the appeal.
I don't listen to metal that much but for me it was always the melody+lyrics that made me like it, so I pretty much only listen to melodeath. I know it's a little cheesy and metal elitist edgelords always shit on bands like insomnium for being popular, but fuck that.
I just don't like generalizations. Overgeneralizing is indicative of a closed mind or one that is willing to making statements without being privy to all the information required to form an informed opinion. So fuck you.
Listen to Neil Diamond, it's harder than Metal and Rock.
Why do you need to follow a certain genre? Just listen to all kinds of music. for me, it depends on the mood I'm in. I promise you if you listen to all different styles of music from people on different paths in life, you WILL gain a greater understanding of people in general. I know how that sounds and feel free to get bent out of shape because I said it but confining yourself to one genre is about as narrow-minded as it gets.