>be me >25 >got fiancee >going to live together in 2 weeks >2 days ago I met doing my job a girls >yesterday we met >we felt something, she wants me, I want her >still love fiancee, do not want to loose her >still want to get closer with new girl >do not want to hurt anyone >would die probably of regrets when hurt my fiancee >I feel I want new girl, want to get closer, and everything.
help me Sup Forums
how not to regret anything and not destroy my life?
Sounds like you're a weak faggot with no self control
Juan Garcia
sounds good boss, probably the most logic way
what if everything goes well with fiancee, what then with the new girl? Shit feel is strong in me.
I am very fucking calm and self control guy.
you kek?
it's not bro
Nicholas Hill
rly bro, get your shit together. You've to decide this. Nobody can help you do that.
Nolan Walker
any protips? because from my perspective whatever I do is bad and will result in bad things... no matter what I decide I am the only one who loses most.