This is so awkward

what he was thinking? let's robertocarlos this penalty?

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maybe he literally pooped his pants

It's a great thing to do if you know why you're doing it, he obviously did not.

Shut the fuck up already, he didnt miss because the way he ran, it just happened like it did with the restnof the faggots who blew their kicks. Messi's was worse.

He missed because he focused more on his retarded run than on where he was going to put the damn ball.

If you don't know what to do just shot a bomb in the middle. no goalkeeper stays still

He was batshit scared so he took a slow run. What he didn't realize is that the run must be slow and weak, an adult doesn't even need a fucking run-up to put lots of force in the kick that close from the goal to begin with. All that hopping put a lot of momentum in his legs, and the way he angled his body let him take a full golf swing at the ball, so no wonder he hit an homerun.

I think the idea is to fuck with the keeper's timing, sort of the same as the stutter step or even the panenka.
Thing is it's just as liable to fuck with your own timing.

wasn't roberto carlos the one who ran slowly because he had too much power so he had to do slow runups?

>take a look at his bio expecting him to be from Irak or something
>turns out he actually is a native
Goddamnit Italy.

probably sicilian

those fuckers down there oftentimes look a bit like kebabs

He started balding @ 20.

I blame hair loss

The was some american guy who thought he was black.

m-ma quello non era Sansone?


Ammetto che prima di pensare alla figura mitologica ho pensato a Sansone del Sassuolo, però.


What did he mean by this?


Ma perché non giocano più neanche un anno in prima squadra? Percassi incamera milioni su milioni.



>trying to explain intricate italian history on /sp