You fucking pussy britfags wouldn't know a manly sport if it hit you in the face

You fucking pussy britfags wouldn't know a manly sport if it hit you in the face.

Rugby < Football

Thats not fucking football

I'll think you'll find that she was referring to the game "Aussie rules"

No he's not you autist. In the OP there's a pic of a Rugby player (superior sport btw) and a shitty grid iron player. Nothing about Aussie Rules at all.



You mean handeggball?

I don't know.... I love our country's football

Get the fuck outta here with your handegg

American pussiball is NOT football...

Handegg? Thats so original! Did you just think of that? That's really brilliant! Because the ball is held in the hand, and its kind of shaped like an egg. Well not really an egg. More an elongated sphere. A spheroid, actually. So we can call it handspheroid! But anyway good show. Keep the those amazing original japes coming friend.

le rugby n'est pas un sport de tapette

Ever watched a Rugby match?

Somehow the rugbyman is still manlier than the soccer player

Explain me why

American here. Rugby is a respectable sport. I know plenty of male and female rugby players that could beat my ass wholesale. They're all tough as nails.

American football is just more fun to watch. It has great production value and tons of drama cuz of niggers.

9fag spotted go choke on some tumors you cunt

Football > Rugby > Lacrosse > Synchronised Swimming > Gridiron

>wearing armour
fucking pussies

and the pink is for breast cancer support. shows you how charitable amerifats are.

We wear pink for breast cancer awareness too. Who doesn't like titties?

Nigga we lead the world in money spent on foreign aid gtfo

Rugby- A man's sport with full body contact and no padding (excluding sometimes head protection and gumsheilds)
Ameriafag football- literally the same sport but with a fuckton of padding and protection

>not knowing the difference between futbol and football

kek, rugby plebs have know idea how hard they would get smashed

/threading your own post
nice try samefag

>literally the same sport
gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8


I'm American and love rugby, American football is just a shit sport. I've played both

Two critical differences between them. 1: American football is comprised mostly of niggers with slave genes that gave made them evolve into 500+lb bench pressing athletic freaks. 2: Most hitting/tackling in rubgy is from behind, where as most in American Football is HEAD-ON FUCKING COLLISION.

Lastly, there was a famous rubgy player who came to the NFL some time ago, didn't even make the practice squad cut and said the exact opposite as what is quoted in your pic: that rugby players wouldn't last one game in the NFL.

fucking americunt, handegg players only hit harder because they know the armour will protect them

Kill yourself

Most retarded thing heard today. Meat>Armor